What's Happening in Coimbra

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Room in Coimbra for September

4 horas em coimbra!!!

couch in coimbra aug 30th - sep 1st or 2nd

good people of coimbra an israeli friend in need

what to do in coimbra!?

searching for a host on 21st

Direito brasileiro em Coimbra

Meeting 19th July / encontro 19 julho

I will be on your area July 9-14th

Do YOU KNOW PORTUGAL????? Ideas ideas ideas needed

Looking for couch and fun company on 4th July

Alguem dá boleia para o Porto á 2a?

Game tomorrow

CS’ers Solidários "Vale a pena ACREDITAR"

C.S na TSF

CS Summer Camp - July 2008

COCOROSIE em cbr, 26 de Maio de 2008

Actualizaçao- 2nd Coimbra CS meeting

Encontros permanentes/permanent meeting

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