What's Happening in Downtown Grand Junction

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Unexpected grounded in Grand Junction.

Summer housing

Kannah Creek 706 hike..

Moving to the area in the summer...

Stopover in Grand junction

Ride Offer to Golden/Denver, Morning Sunday 2 March.

Need a ride back from Gran Junction to Montrose!

Want to know what Station/Ranch Life in Australia is like?

Hi rolling into town for the holidays need things to do...

Offering a ride to Denver- 8 December-ish

Hello All!

Moving to GJ

Rideshare needed from Paonia/ GJ area to Moab 31st Oct or 1st Nov

Biking on Friday/Saturday & looking for a place to stay

looking for travel buddies w/ car for day trips


hello help 2 ladies need a place to crash tonight

Israeli needs a place for tonight

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