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  • 17 references 15 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 40, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • From London, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

These things are always difficult to fill in since i am some what of a social chameleon, able to adapt and enjoy the company and interests of many different types, you gunna get chavy me? 🤷‍♂️ geeky me? 🤷‍♂️ primal me? 🤷‍♂️ sensual deep me? 🤷‍♂️ “come on be serious knock out of it man!” me? 🤷‍♂️
I guess it all depends on who you are and how that affects me, place your bets! Or make your requests 🤷‍♂️

but!.. some of the things that dont change are:
I suppose the main points of note about me is I’m likely to be the most minimalist person you’ve ever met n also likely the least monogamous person too, basically I like people but hate peoples stuff.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Peoples 🥰
The sharing economy 🙌
flights are so cheap these days, take the accommodation out of it and travel is almost free! What an amazing world we live in! All hail the smart phone! 🙌 ALL HAIL!!!


I'm a minimalist, perhaps you'd even describe me as a third world minimalist since I'm certain to have less than even most minimalists. Basically if you told me to move, I'd be ready to leave in a couple of hours! But i live like a king!

Also I'm open/polyamourous. Been so for 15 years. Utter slut if I’m honest, but dats meeee 😚🙃🤣 it’s why I’ve never tried drugs/alcohol n you have 😉👌👌

Never forget humans are in the animal kingdom
( :mammals
__great apes

..not into being domesticated. Wild or die. Not a shred of desire for ownership. Ownership of people is a joke, ownership of stuff is a joke, fuck all that as much as you can 😉 Comfortable with not being in control of other living beings.

  • minimalism
  • sharing economy
  • polyamory
  • green

Music, Movies, and Books

Lol, not much of a reader, reading is a painful drain on the brain so fuck that (I’m visual and sensual 🙌) but if i did (if i can get round to it) 'feral' and 'sex at dawn' would be two.

Movies, 'Hesher' cause that guy is a casual as fuck role model, love that guy! More of a series person though, Vikings, Game of Thrones, bring it on House of the Dragon! 🤤 (love that cause every character is a grey character, fuck this idea of goodies vs baddies.. we are all abit of a cunt and someone’s nightmere but also sweet deep souls deserving of sympathy and admiration, and if you listen long enough, truely listen, will blow your mind and touch you deeply.

Very wide musical tastes, I get around with music the same way I get about with d’ladies (I’m sorry that’s my drug of choice since I don’t do drugs or drink or anything)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Got deported, from the US. White illegal immigrant y'all!

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach.. you to get rid of ur shit, honestly peps it’s just junk 👌
Maybe you can teach me.. how to stop being a gobshite.. nah actually leave me be.

Great thing about interacting with people is that theres always something to learn.

Share.. my local knowledge.. pfff 🤣 just kidding I know nothing John Snow 😉

What I Can Share with Hosts

Basic comfortable accommodation n a friend to chill with, or not chill with 😅 Use n abuse my friends 👌

Countries I’ve Visited

Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

United Kingdom, United States

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