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  • 6 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Spanish
  • 29, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • Local development project manager
  • Environment & agriculture
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

[English below]


Soy Carine, una chica francesa viajando por Suramerica con mi amigo Antoine, frances tambien !

Hace un año que viajamos bajando al Sur desde Colombia. Hemos empezado en los ultimos dos meses a hacer dedo, y nos encanta tanto encontrar la gente local que queremos más. Cambia totalmente la perspectiva de nuestro viaje, que estaba hecho de hostales y buses antes.

Para conocer mas de nosotros : ambos tenemos 28 años. Yo vengo del noreste de Francia (Metz) y Antoine viene del noroeste (Rouen en Normandia). Antes de salir de Francia él trabajaba como ayudante de cocina y yo trabajaba en una estructura del gobierno que ayuda a las ciudades a renovar edificios abandonados.

En la vida de cada dia, a Antoine le gusta cocinar y comer, escalar, caminar por la montaña, ver deporte (futbol, rugby, olimpicos...). A mi me gusta comer la comida de Antoine, dibujar, sacar fotos, jugar badminton y caminar por la montana. Ambos nos gusta acampar.



I'm Carine, a French girl traveling in South America with my friend Antoine, also French !

We have been traveling down South from Colombia for a year now. We have started in the last two months to hitchhike, and we love so much to meet local people that we want more. It totally changes the perspective of our trip, which was made of hostels and buses before.

To know more about us : we are both 28 years old. I come from the northeast of France (Metz) and Antoine comes from the northwest (Rouen in Normandy). Before leaving France, he worked as a kitchen assistant and I worked in a government structure that helps cities to renovate abandoned buildings.

In everyday life, Antoine likes to cook and eat, to climb, to walk in the mountains, to watch sports (soccer, rugby, Olympics...). I like to eat Antoine's food, draw, take pictures, play badminton and walk in the mountains. We both like camping.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing me parece la mejor manera de viajer. Asi uno puede conocer realmente un lugar que visita.

He viajado muchos meses en hosteles pero me parece que solo he encontrado otros franceses, alemanes o ingleses. Ahora quiero conocer la gente de aca ! He utilizado couchfurfing varias veces antes que sea pagante y todo el tiempo estaba una linda experiencia !


Couchsurfing seems to be the best way to travel. It allows you to really know the places you visit.

I have traveled many months in hostels in South America, but I feel I've met too many other Europeans, and not enough South Americans!

I used to use couchsurfing a lot when it was still free, and it was always a good experience.


Caminar por la montaña, dibujar, leer, ir a conciertos, tomar un café o una cerveza con amigxs, ver a peliculas/serias, visitar museos de arte, historia o historia natural


Hike in the mountains, draw and paint, read, go to concerts, have a coffee or a beer with friends, watch movies and series, visit art history or natural sciences museums

  • culture
  • photography
  • concerts
  • wine
  • beer
  • traveling
  • drawing
  • music
  • hiking
  • camping
  • geography
  • nature
  • museums
  • agroecology
  • food lover

Music, Movies, and Books

Leer : me gustan mucho las novelas graficas
Ver : veo a muchas series y las mas que me gustan son Breaking Bad porque del principio al final todo es satisfactorio y The Office porque es tan comico !
Escuchar : rock, pop, reggae, reggaeton, rap


Read : I love graphic novels and comic strips.
Watch : I watch a lot of series and the ones I liked the most were Breaking Bad because it felt satisfying from the beginning to the very end. Also I love the Office. I've never laughed that much in front of another series.
Listen : rock, pop, reggae, regg, rap

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Llegar a Otavalo en Ecuador en medio junio, sin conocer el Inti Raymi ! Festejar durante una semana completa con las populaciones kichwas, bailar, tocar musica, tomar y acabar en una cascada friiiiia en la medianoche del 21 de junio.


Arriving in Otavalo in Ecuador mid-June, not knowing what was the Inti Raymi. Partying during days with the Kichwas people, dancing, playing music, drinking chicha and aguardiente and finishing the festivities in a freezing cold waterfall on June 21st at midnight.

Teach, Learn, Share

Podemos enseñar frances a quien quiere !
Compartir buena comida y vino.
Aprender lo que te apasiona !


We can teach French if you'd like!
We can share good meals and wine
We would love to learn what you are passionate about

What I Can Share with Hosts

Conversaciones, caminatas, visitas, cenas, cines...


Conversations, hikes, visits, dinners, movies...

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, Germany, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Thailand

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, France

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