Shabeer Ahammed's Photo

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  • 97% response rate
  • Last login about 21 hours ago

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  • 12 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Malayalam; learning Hindi
  • 38, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Banker
  • Veterinary
  • From Tirur, Kerala, India
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Greetings fellow adventurers! 👋

Embracing laziness when I'm not challenging mountains & roads. Breaking out of my comfort zone is my forte – smiling through sorrows, flying across the horizon. 🌌

"Hit hard or sleep at home" – that sums me up. ⛰️ or 🏠

A humble human, passionate trekker, food lover, occasional cook, and a random writer. I even penned a travelogue in Malayalam and bake cakes at midnight.

Why Couchsurfing? Because my mind is childlike, cherishing little happiness, excited for new experiences, and overwhelmed by meeting new people and exploring new worlds. Love knows no boundaries.

👩‍⚕️ A Veterinary doctor by graduation, a banker by choice, and a traveler by heart.❤️

Still curious? 🤨 Check out my Insta stories: Instagram Profile

Let's share stories and create memories! 🍻


About My Place in Chennai: 🌆

I reside near Marina Beach, conveniently close to the railway station and easily accessible from the airport via the metro. The iconic Mylapore is in proximity, offering a delightful exploration of temples and local cuisines during my free time. If you share an interest in cycling, we can explore the 20km radius, including nearby beaches.

🏠 House Rules:

⏰ Arrival Time: Please ensure you reach home before 11 pm, as I prefer to sleep early.

🚿 Facilities: You have access to a private room and can use the common bathroom. Feel free to utilize the kitchen; it's always open for cooking🥒

🚴 Cycling Exploration: If you're up for it, we can embark on cycling adventures within the 20km radius and explore nearby beaches.

🕵🏻Hosting Requests Guidelines:

📖 If you're requesting to be hosted, please provide your ID proofs (any government-authorized ID).
🪪 Clearly mention the purpose and details of your travel in your request.
🗣️ Hosting requests without any reference will not be considered.

🕺🏻Your cooperation with these guidelines ensures a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Looking forward to hosting you.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

🌎In my quest, I'm in search of something elusive, a discovery that I anticipate unfolding soon. My mind mirrors the curiosity of a child, finding excitement in the smallest and most curious things. My belief in people and the value of relationships fuels my enjoyment of deep conversations and the profound act of making love. From the individuals I encounter, I glean lessons in character and humbleness, allowing me to embark on a journey of self-discovery. 🫂


🤩My passion lies in traveling, where I relish meeting new people, exploring diverse cultures, and immersing myself in innovative agricultural practices. The thought of enhancing the lives of farmers is always on my mind.

🎥Cinematic storytelling and creating videos are integral to my creative expression, as I capture the essence of cities and people through my phone and camera.📷

🚵🏿Cycling across cities and conquering mountains exhilarates me, and I'm an avid food lover, deeply enjoying the culinary delights of various cuisines. When it comes to entertainment, I watch movies of my choice and delve into discussions about them. My pursuits are a vibrant tapestry of exploration, creativity, and gastronomic joy.

  • writing
  • walking
  • food
  • watching movies
  • wanderlust
  • cinematography
  • lazyness
  • love to meet new people

Music, Movies, and Books

📕 I lean towards short content, short stories, and travelogues rather than books. In the realm of movies, I'm a fan of thrilling cat-and-mouse chase scenarios, survival stories, and captivating travel narratives. While I have limited time for web series, Breaking Bad holds a special place among my favorites. 🧪

🎧 As for music, I'm not a connoisseur but find solace in Pradeep Kumar's songs, choosing tunes based on my mood.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

🎥 Fueled by the excitement from watching the Everest movie, I successfully completed the Everest Base Camp trek through crowdfunding, a journey that inspired me to pen a book. Adding to my achievements, I conquered Kilimanjaro, the largest single-standing mountain.⛰️🏔️🏔️🏔️

🏝️ My trekking ventures extend to over 10 Himalayan expeditions, and my wanderlust has led me to explore most Indian states. Specifically, I've made over five visits to Lakshadweep, exploring Kavaratti, Minicoy, Kalpeni, and Agatti islands.

Teach, Learn, Share

❤️ Excited to impart knowledge in video making, I'm ready to teach you the art of crafting compelling visuals. In return, I'm eager to share deep conversations and quality interactions. Additionally, I'm keen on learning new skills, particularly delving into tech-savvy content creation. This reciprocal exchange promises a dynamic blend of teaching, sharing, and learning

What I Can Share with Hosts

🧑🏾‍💻With expertise in agri-finance, I bring hands-on experience with a small hydroponic unit at home, where I successfully cultivated strawberries. As I embark on replanting, I extend my knowledge in modern agricultural practices and offer valuable finance tips. 🪴

🏔️ Beyond agriculture, I'm your go-to person for travel itineraries and trekking tips. If time permits, I'm eager to share my culinary skills, guiding you through crafting delectable chicken biryani or fish dishes.

📷 Adding another layer to my skills, I excel in creating short cinematic videos. Let me showcase your persona through captivating portfolio videos.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand

Countries I’ve Lived In


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