Johannesburg was once a city that was considered to be a bit too scary for many tourists. The massive gap between the upper and lower classes produced a high crime rate and a brooding sense of discontent within many areas of town. But these days, Johannesburg is thriving, breathing new life into its streets with great restaurants, theaters, and museums to draw visitors from everywhere. Learn about the difficult and controversial past of the South African people with a visit to the Apartheid Museum, or visit the Mandela House to learn about the man who made history.

For an unforgettable experience away from the city, sign up for a photographic safari on the outskirts of town to snap some amazing photos of some of the world’s most beautiful creatures. Or head northwest to the UNESCO World Heritage Site called The Cradle of Humankind, a priceless site of ancient caves where scientists have made discoveries about the mysterious history of the human race.

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