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  • 5 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • No languages listed
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Electrician
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Enjoying the Peace, the Quiet of my new home. No animals, no kiddos, just the solitude of my thoughts.

If you are Introvert- this is the place to be. If you like the quiet and the rest- this is where it's at.

Meditation, Prayer, and getting in Touch with The Spirit.
Life and all the struggles therein seem pretty dumb without a spiritual foundation, thus, I seek it all out.

I work alot with On-Call status but when I'm off I enjoy hanging out with down to Earth Peeps.
I hangout with my buddies after work and we enjoy ourselves.

I also like to keep up with the latest News in LED's, Renewables, EV's, 3D Printing, Lasers and other technical items because it's fun, cool and I could always use some new things to lessen my workload in life.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Connecting with peoples. Meet some kool kids from Europa over the Summer while I was in Santa Barbara. Figured i'd reach out to some others as well.


  • meditating
  • the masculine light
  • working on my house

Music, Movies, and Books

The Expanse, Various Netflix TV shows and Amazon Prime Movies. Mostly I like the documentary stuff on Amazon and Netflix, because most other programming is over-hyped emotional garbage. lolz.

In the books category... well, I would like to share but................ First Rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club (Male Focused and Concentric Improvement Literature).

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

White Shark Cage Diving @ the Farallon Islands San Francisco, it was a bit of a let down. Maybe better luck next time... ;)
Hopefully in 3 years time get out to Isla Guadalupe in Mexico where the best conditions for White Shark Cage diving are. :)

Did some Skydiving a long time ago, maybe will do a HALO jump (High Altitude, Low Oxygen/Opening) one of these days, stuff like that. Really, I would love to do an Orbital Freefall from the ISS- Now that's an adrenaline RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!

Teach, Learn, Share

Sure, I will share what I can.

Share the different amenities of my home and my experience with my local zone of entertainment and hiking/running paths.

Also share about my experience in Health Care and Renewables.

Fixing technique on Houses.

What I Can Share with Hosts

It's a nice thought but I am not looking to surf myself for quite sometime. Too many projects to do concurrently.

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