Photos de Nacho Hu

Profil non vérifié

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  • Dernière connexion il y a environ un mois

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  • 46 avis 41 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, Spanish; apprend  Russian
  • 35, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2015
  • Writer
  • University of Lapland
  • de Castelar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

Hi there! I'm Nacho, from Argentina. I'm a writer (or wannabe) who wants to learn as much as possible from such a huge world. Hungry for knowledge, adventures and new things.

(PADI AOW) diver.
Worked as a tour guide in two different cities in two different countries, organized the first and only free walking tours in both places. But never done so in my own country. Yet.
Met Novak Djokovic, Brandon Flowers and Joss Stone (not the same day).
Got a pretty cool book from a school in Pripyat, with nice maps.
Rovaniemi's Santa Claus claims he knows my hometown. I'm sure he does. Cool guy.
Spent a night in prison in Belarus for stupid reasons. Great story though.
I'm usually the one with the weirdest passport in the bus and soldiers in conflict areas tend to not believe me when I say I'm a tourist.

On the road since early 2016.

You can find me on facebook (/ignacio.hutin)

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

To travel beyond tourists do, meet new people, learn, ask, share, tell, know, find.

Centres d'intérêt

I like sugar-free coffee, dark chocolate and dark beer, Bernese mountain dogs, Smart cars, curry, sweet-sour food, rice with anything, earl gray tea, good pisco, orange juice for breakfast, surreal poetry and children's literature, black humor, fantasy, ridiculously creative things, inventions, questions and REM, things that make you think, memories, interpretations, winter, snow and rain, South Park, Gondry, Breton, The Little Prince, Playmobil, Tolkien, Dahl, Robert Frank, Avedon, Wolfe, Thompson, Kerouac, Gaudí, Taschen, the Olympic Games, Verne, Guarana Antactica, Russia, Regina Spektor and Edward Scissorhands, Miyazaki, Kobayashi, Leibovitz, Terry Gilliam, Gaspar Noe, Abelardo Castillo, Cortázar and Hesperidina, Didion, Krauss, trains, trams, mountains, maps, vexilology and communist monuments, The Aura, beer in Tarzan, indie, blugrass, Brassai, Man Ray, Monopoly, Sporcle, Spike Jonze, Cartier-Bresson, Miro, Velazquez, Dali, Pollock, Daria and the country jasmine, women who can draw, paint, cook, play an instrument, write and know how to make up, rare flavors empanadas, Rodchenko and Finlandia Vodka, glasses, hats, Mafalda, Clemente, Inodoro Pereyra, Guinzburg, the Estonian flag and custard, Slavic names, coconut, quebracho wood, cities with a river in the middle, rosemary and orange tic tac, use words in other languages, see people pray, sweet potato, sweet potato fries, chocolate mousse and long emails, salsa golf, blue cheese, provoleta, like a prayer, Wikipedia, the Prince Napoli sauce and potatoes noisette, board a boat, the smell of pine, number 7, chocolate en rama, fat croissants, Ushuaia and Melba cookies, walk on the snow, see the full moon, the reflections, the other versions of the same story, lanterns, fireflies, windows, the smell of smoke machines, impalpable sugar and to love.

  • literature
  • poetry
  • music
  • history
  • world politics
  • film

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I like classic rock, from Chuck Berry to Led Zeppelin, but I also love 90's indie, the brit pop I grew up with, and also the late 80s and early 90s pop.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Give me two: dive in the Red Sea, drive a snowmobile on a frozen river in Finland.

Pays que j'ai visités

Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Albania, Argentina, Estonia, Finland, Scotland, Serbia

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