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  • 10 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Afrikaans, English; learning Dutch, French
  • 45, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Looking after old and disabled people and cartweels.
  • Higher diploma in Fashion Design, but would love to do a ...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Ahoy there!

Picture this: I'm on a perpetual journey, cruising the Couchsurfing waves, forging connections with intriguing, kindred spirits who expand my mental horizons, turn my preconceived notions into confetti, and engage in belly-aching laughter with me. Alas, I'm no millionaire – it seems you need to have a billionaire's bankroll to live like a globetrotting rockstar. So, I've got to keep the cash flowing somehow.

Let's talk about my love-hate affair with humanity. I adore humans for the way they ignite my curiosity about the quirks of human behavior. But there are moments when they tick me off, especially when they unleash their inner grump or display all-out selfishness.


My quest? Finding a gig that feels more like a thrilling adventure than work.
Dream destinations on my radar:
- Japan
- Norway
- Sweden
- Exploring every nook and cranny of Ireland
- India (I could visit a zillion times and still not get enough)
- South Korea
- Finland
- And the never-ending list...


I'm a down-to-earth dreamer with an appetite for the extraordinary. I'm perpetually on a quest to uncover the ultimate cake recipe, even though I've already got the cheesecake game on lockdown. You might say I'm boring, but underneath I have a lot going on – a "controlled freak," if you will.

My life's got a dash of gypsy flair, as I hop between the UK and South Africa. For the past two decades, I've been the go-to person for live-in care for the elderly and disabled. A career path I never saw coming when I was initially lost in the world of Fashion Design for three years. In my first year, I quickly realized that as dazzling and glamorous as the fashion industry can be, it wasn't my jam. I yearned for something more meaningful, which led me to caregiving. This journey has taught me the fine art of patience, the fleeting nature of life, and how one's world can do a complete 180.

Recently, I added another feather to my cap by wrapping up a course in UX/UI design, merging two things I hold dear – technology and creativity. My dream? Working remotely while trotting the globe, one adventure at a time.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

CS is my gateway to one of life's finest pleasures – rubbing shoulders with fascinating, bona fide folks who crack open my world like a piñata full of surprises. If it were entirely in my power, I'd be playing host every single week. Alas, you delightful wanderers don't swing by my neck of the woods nearly as often as I'd like!

This cosmic network has not only flung open the door to a universe of fresh experiences but has also been my crash course in fast-forward friendship. Turns out, you can cultivate bonds the size of elephants in the span of a shooting star's twinkle.


Anything and everything, that's the motto! My interests are like a whirlwind romance, forever changing.

Right now, I'm in a tumultuous relationship with the ukulele – and let me tell you, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I mean, seven years ago, I was terrible at it. And guess what? Nothing's changed; I'm still delightfully atrocious.

I've got a taste for life's quirky offerings. Isn't it fantastic how some ingenious souls can whip up wonders from thin air and leave us all dazzled and inspired?

Back in sunny South Africa, I've got a soft spot for pottery. But you know what's on the horizon? Papier-mâché, my friends. Who wouldn't want to dive into that world of paper-based wonders?

And then there's this little pet project I'm working on – publishing a poetry book. Now, don't let the word "poetry" fool you. It's not all serious and somber. No siree! It's a leisurely sloth's pace kind of thing. I churn out one poem every five years. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Music, Movies, and Books

Oh, my music taste? It's like a delicious buffet where I refuse to settle down with just one dish. I'm not one of those die-hard fanatics for any particular artist. Nope, I'm more like a free-spirited butterfly flitting from one melodic flower to the next. If it tugs at my heartstrings, I'm all in. And if the artist is the creative genius behind their own music, well, that's the cherry on top!

Now, let's talk about my lost love – reading. We'll blame that dastardly smartphone for hijacking my once unbreakable concentration span. There's a dream I've got, though: a techno-cleansing retreat. Imagine going off the grid and rediscovering the joy of a good book. Ah, the sweet scent of paper and ink, without the beep-boop of notifications!

As for movies and series, my tastes are like a kaleidoscope – ever-shifting. I'll go from the utterly embarrassing to the downright serious genres, like a cinematic chameleon. But here's a gem I always serve up to my fellow Earthlings: "Firefly." Picture this: futuristic space cowboys without a single alien in sight. It's like a cosmic adventure seasoned with fun and a dash of rogue charm. You can thank me later!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Oh boy, you're tossing a real poser my way, aren't you? Answering this one's like trying to ride a unicycle on a tightrope – tricky business.

You see, I've dabbled in some rather, shall we say, eccentric escapades in my line of work. The sort of stuff that's so outlandish, it'd make a giraffe blush. But why is it amazing, you ask? Well, my friend, it's nothing short of a cosmic carnival ride, and the only reason it's amazing is because, believe it or not, I lived to tell the tale. Yep, survival is my middle name!

Teach, Learn, Share

Prepare yourself for a knowledge buffet! I'm like a walking encyclopedia of unsolicited advice, which, by the way, I'm usually not a fan of when it's coming from others. I mean, who enjoys that, right? 🤣

But here's the twist – I'm the exception! I'm the self-proclaimed best unsolicited advice giver, and I'll happily dish out tidbits on anything I have or know. Got questions? I've got answers. Whether you're eager to learn or just curious, I'm all ears. So, if you're the teaching type, bring on the knowledge, and I'm all ears and neurons!

And let me tell you, the highlight is a conversation that's like a mind-morphing rollercoaster. I live for those chats where we can flip our outlooks and opinions like pancakes. The more mental somersaults, the merrier! 🥞😄

What I Can Share with Hosts

I might not have a treasure chest of offerings, just little ol' me and my never-ending sunbeam of a disposition. Now, here's the scoop – South African cooking might not exactly set the culinary world on fire (sorry, SA!), so I won't subject you to it unless you're feeling particularly brave. But, if you're genuinely up for an adventure, I could whip up something traditional for you. Brace yourself, it might just be a steaming pot of "pap and wors." Oh, and for the record, my mother's the real pap maestro – I'm in the dark when it comes to that culinary magic. 😁

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Netherlands, South Africa, United Kingdom

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