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  • No occupation listed
  • a graduate degree from a US university
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About Me


help people to reconsider our potential


I am thoughtful, discerning, and good-natured.

I have lived in many places on our planet.

I am easily pleased, and gentle. I respect the priority of other people. I'm attentive and a good listener.

I have a inquisitive mind. That is, I am curious about a wide range of issues, from nature to society to culture.

I am willing to help with the household chores, especially, cooking.


enjoy any available opportunities

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I got to know Couchsurfing in the early 2010s. Since then, I've been attending local events in Tokyo.
I organized a few local events in Tokyo last year.

Attending local events benefited me in the following ways:
①Meeting Couchsurfers from different parts of the world helped me to better understand their countries & cultures. Meeting Couchsurfers is a great way to know foreign countries & other cultures. This way is better than checking news or social media. News media tell us about newsworthy events. These events tend to be abnormal. Meeting Couch surfers is a better way to know normal lives abroad. Talking with a Couchsurfer could give me an idea of what her/his people think and how her/his people feel.

② Talking with couch surfers from overseas helped me to reconsider Japan, including what I took it granted.

③ Meeting with couch surfers has changed my idea of travel
I’ve met couch surfers who traveled for a long time, months to years. When Japanese travel overseas, it seems that most of them travel for a week or 2. Not for months or for years.
I realized that it would be acceptable to travel for months even for years.


higher consciousness, interaction between nature and humans, the impact of technology on human perception, hash

  • culture
  • environment
  • technology
  • philosophy
  • social activism

Music, Movies, and Books

1. music: rock, jazz, electronic, R&B, reggae, ska, gypsy

2. Movies: Movies which entertain me, include some sci-fi movies (e.g., Space Odyssey) and some film noir (e.g., Ministry of Fear by Fritz Lang). I also enjoyed Black Orpheus (Orfeu Negro) by Marcel Camus.

3.Books, which interest me, include books on epistemological issues (e.g., The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb). Books on socio-economic systems (e.g., The Livelihood of Man by Karl Polanyi) also appeal to me. As fiction, I could enjoy some science fictions (e.g., Solaris).

Teach, Learn, Share

making connections, how to survive

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, China, France, Germany, Israel, Sri Lanka, Thailand

Countries I’ve Lived In

Ireland, Japan, United Kingdom, United States

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