Phoenix is the most populous city in the American Southwest, located in the beautiful Sonoran Desert. With more than 300 days of sunshine each year, this is a great place to get outside and enjoy nature. Begin in the Desert Botanical Garden, home to thousands of species of cacti, trees, and brightly colored flowers. If you’re looking for a vigorous workout, pack plenty of water and make the hike up Camelback Mountain. It’s the highest peak in Phoenix, and the view of the city and the desert from the summit is unbeatable. For a unique and adrenaline-filled activity, sign up for an ATV tour and zoom around the desert on four wheels.

Back in downtown Phoenix, there are many fantastic museums to experience, like the Heard Museum. It’s one of the country’s best Native American Museums and illustrates the culture and art of Arizona’s original residents. You might also visit the Musical Instrument Museum, with more than 6,000 instruments from around the world and 200 live concerts in its theater each year.

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Marc souhaitait explore the North Shore Il y a environ 22 heures
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noah souhaitait grab beers Il y a 7 jours
Photo de K
Karthik souhaitait explore the area Il y a 6 jours


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