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Le foto di Hector Martinez Gandara

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Informazioni generali

  • 5 referenze 1 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Galician, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando German
  • 31, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2016
  • Flight Attendant
  • Bachelor and Master in Tourism
  • Di Redondela, Pontevedra, Spain
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I am Héctor from Spain. I am very regular boy and quite chill and easygoing.
You will see me a bit here and there as per my job, I am Flightt Attendant during the last years . My studies are in Tourism sector.
Since I was a kid a I was feeling very atracted to the exotic life outside my region, how life was there and what was the feeling of going on holidays. My first trip ever was an English exchange to Ireland with 14 yeras old, and that was the begining of evertyhing.
I do really like to connect with internationals, I do have the impression I do connect way better with them. From a walking hangout to time to time events, for example. I used as well Meetup.
I lived two times in Berlin and a short period in Buenos Aires. So, I really know how is the feeling of connecting with people on the same situation as you when you are not local.
I will be nice to connect with you :)

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I do like international people .


  • aviation
  • tourism
  • travel

Musica, film e libri

I am not specially interested into a specific kind of music, in overall, I like commercial music. Maroon 5 could be my favourite group ( I should change this description 🤣).
I don't like reading but the very few books I read were from Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
Regarding TV, I prefer to watch Comedies, Dramas or Films based in true histories.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

2 Months Backpacking travel (Asia)
Being stolen by a monkey in Tailand
Being stolen by a wild boar in Berlin
Being stolen in IKEA Berlin
Being Cabin Crew of the month in one of the companies I have worked for
Tried a bike trip but ended in a 3 days trip 🤣 (I had 0 experience in biking)

Insegna, impara, condividi

OneWorld to be discovered.
I wanna share experiences and meet new people.

Paesi che ho visitato

Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Viet Nam

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Argentina, Germany, Spain

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