What's Happening in Al Jdeida

New Topic

Buses from Hatay to Aleppo ?

Watching live soccer in Aleppo?

Bazar al-Sharq

what to do !!???!?!?! ;)

Can anyone Help Me

bandoneonist from argentina

Angry with Kaser Alandaloss Hotel (Aleppo, Syria)

Need your help to organize a CS meeting

Aleppo improvised meeting - 17th February

Looking for flat for couple in April

Looking for the best and cheaper hostel , hostel .

Cycling to Aleppo. Looking for last-minute couch.

Hey depart immediat

Couch for three in Aleppo 27th or/and 30th Jan?

whirling dervish in Aleppo

Two English travellers in Aleppo!

hey CS aleppo friends

Arabic conversation club in Aleppo?

visiting aleppo

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