Qué ocurre en Basel

Nuevo tema

Need help in host from 7-9 July

🆘 Help Need host in Basel June 8-15

10.11.-12.11. find your flow

Last Minute - Hat jemand Schlafplatz für mich und Hund

Nightlife in Basel

1 day for March 4th :)

Someone up for have fun new year eve?

Ukrainische Flüchtlinge aufnehmen / Host Ukrainian refugees

A night which could change your life!!!

Deutsch sprechen

Hitchhiking in Switzerland?

One day walk to the mountains!

Seeking advice on french courses

Christmas Cultural Exchange Basel Switzerland

Spanish speakers?

Belgium Summer Camp 2019

Hangout in Basel Weds 16 May??

Greek speaker anywhere? :)

Looking for a room from September to February

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