What's Happening in Edmonton

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10/2-10/4 Edmonton three days trip

Madison, WI Couch Crash Begins Thursday!

Anyone want to go see Beck next Tuesday?

Edmonton - Jasper - Banff - Edmonton

Invitation to the Madison CouchCrash 2017 August 24-27th

Elk Island National Park

Exploring Banff, Jasper and around

Road trip Canada from Vancouver to Montreal > Who needs a ride?

Room to rent in Edmonton

Roadtrip van NEEDED!


American CSer Living Here Now Looking for Friends

Long weekend trip: Watertone National Park [1-3 July] - CAMPING

Looking for extra cash? (Canadian/PR only)

A week (2-8) July!

Hello my friends

Any incoming students or locals want to meet up?

Any students looking to meet up? Also, bi weekly cultural events?

Looking for a room

Room for a short term

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