Что происходит в Landshut

Новая тема

The 13th BIG Franconian Meeting 2019, Nuremberg

Couchsurfing Group - Landshut?

Deutsch sprechen (und freund machen)

July 4th-9th 2018: Mont Royal Summer Camp Vol. 12 (25 km from Frankfurt-Hahn Airport)

The 11th BIG Franconian Meeting 2017, Nuremberg

Teaching English

The 10th BIG Franconian Meeting 2016, Nuremberg

Ever been to a Couchsurfing Camp? Maybe you should come to Mont Royal Summer Camp this July!

A small working opportunity for sports lovers

Bavarian Roadtrip

Bayernticket teilen Landshut-Salzburg

Driving to stuttgart

Some glühwein at the weihnachtsmarkt

Discovering Bavaria!

Grillen, sporteln oder einfach nur nen Bier?

Meeting landshuter hosts families with children

The 9th BIG Franconian Meeting 2015, Nuremberg

6 Wochen in Landshut

Sailing in Croatia

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