Qué ocurre en Quebec City

Nuevo tema

Visiting Quebec city for the FIRST time after volunteering in Ottawa

Visiting Quebec City next week

Trip en Kayak

Dinner.. Eat.. Mange 6pm 28 juin /19 @ le Ket Chose

Any tip to find a room

Do together weekend de Pâques à Québec

Which restaurant/ dish is the one you often go/ order?!

rendez-vous de couchsurfing?

Meeting fun and friends, potluck at house

Rencontres sportives ou culturelles añd fun

Interested in Language Exchange?


Is Quebec city busking friendly?

Langauge Exchange

Day trip 12 or 13 March

Job, stage & bénévolat ?

Quebec City to Ottawa February 18th

Explore Carnaval 2019!

Rando Charlevoix / hiking charlevoix

Recherche Colocation proche CFTC Charlesbourg

También cerca de Québec+City,+QC,+Canada: