Cosa succede di bello a Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction

Nuovo argomento

Dushanbe to Mazar-i-Sharif

Looking for a company for Pamir road

Question about buses and taxi from Dushanbe

Visiting Dushanbe

How is life in Dushanbe?

Traveling to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan


Looking for advice about Pamir mountains

Ishkashim Border Market & Afghanistan

Looking for Parking Lot in Dushanbe

Need advice about Pamir in Tajikistan

1 Invitaton to Korean show in Dushnabe in Operka.

Where can I give a talk?

Meet for a coffee and travel tipps :)

pamir highway (once more w/ feeling)

Fann Mountains

Who is in town?

Coming from Uzbekistan!

Teach english in Tajikistan!

Anche vicino a :