What's Happening in Warsaw

New Topic

5 Rhythms

OnAir Festival

Couch needed 24 - 27.06

Place to stay near Warsaw up to 2 weeks

Want to learn some Danish swear words? Host me!

Can anyone lend a classical guitar for few days?

Also looking for a room in the center :)

Skopje lotnisko // Skopje airport

Old Phone Needed for Two Weeks

Czy Ktos w Ostatnich Dniach przekraczal granice?

14-28 August Meet and travel around Poland

Problem z dojazdem do Kaliningradu


Visiting the Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik)

I need a Polish translator

Actual Polish restrictions (covid-19)

Parlons francais a travers Zoom/Hangout etc

We will be there, how we can know about local activities

Language exchange french-polish

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