What's Happening in Whangārei

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Drinks and African Drum & Dance Party

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week 20th-26th April

Lift to Auckland on Wednesday afternoon

Whangarei Pub Meetup - Tuesday 7pm

Monday 6th going to Whangarei

Auckland to Whangarei Advice?

dog / chicken sitter needed for this weekend

dog / chicken sitter needed for this weekend

CS Celebration - 1 million members! 11 March 2009

Work Exchange Opportunity - Bay of Islands

The Tongariro Crossing – Weekend 23 – 26 January 2009

New Years Day BBQ

Rideshare from Auckland?

Vegan Party

word from the UN

Spring at last! Or is it?

another great tit bit of info, about fossil fuels and meat

Thursday 24th Night Out!!

Interesting environmental article from New Scientist mag

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