Fotos de Amrei Forster

Perfil no verificado

  • Pago no verificado
  • Teléfono no verificado
  • Documento de identidad no verificado

Puede aceptar invitados

  • Última conexión hace casi 6 años

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  • 1 recomendación 1 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, German; está aprendiendo French
  • 26, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2017
  • i did some work as a waitress in a cottage in the mountai...
  • i want to become an actress, so recently im in a process ...
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 90% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Hey there, im Amrei.
After two years of working and traveling I’m now heading to a new adventure of settleing to study ethnology.
I like to be active and always learn something. I’m not an action freak or sth, of course I do hang out ;)
Live my life to the fullest -
i am delighted to get to know new people and there lives .
maybe we also get in contact through this.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

It’s personal. I like to get new point of views. Exchange different lifestyles. Not to be just the “tourist” that only sees the surface.


  • singing
  • acting
  • yoga
  • hiking
  • laughing
  • summer
  • nature walks

Música, películas y libros

Music is so big so strong and powerful!
I like music that catches me and inspires me. Music from different cultures like traditional music f.e. But also old music from swing and blues in the 20s to Woodstock like canned heat. One of my Favorites is Alice phoebe Lou or Johnny Flynn.

Algo increíble que he hecho

In Laos sind wir mal getrampt und saßen dann vier Stunden auf der Ladefläche eines Autos haben gelacht und Cola getrunken, und der Fahrtwind hat uns unsere Haare zerzaust - es war so schön warm!

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

This area (Allgäu) is very green and humid. That alps are really close and there are lots of lakes. As you want, I can show you around we can go hiking, swimming, enjoying the nature ;)

Países que he visitado

Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, France, India, Italy, Laos, Myanmar, Spain, Thailand, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido


Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Amrei.