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  • 121 references 107 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Italian; learning Catalan, Valencian, German, Spanish
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • Conference interpreter and sworn translator
  • A few languages and a bit of law
  • From Piemonte
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Living by the train station in Luxembourg, happy to travel and to host fellow travellers.


Γνῶθι σεαυτόν


I have been working in Luxembourg for a while, I am looking forward to meeting you and travelling around as much as possible ...


"If you want to sing out, sing out
and if you want to be free, be free
'cause there's a million ways to be,
you know that there are ... "

Cat Stevens (from the film "Harold and Maude")

"Evil has only the power that we give it.
I give nothing.
I take back."

Ray Bradbury (from the book "Something wicked this way comes")

Leggimi subito, leggimi forte
Dimmi ogni nome che apre le porte
Chiama ogni cosa, così il mondo viene
Leggimi tutto, leggimi bene
Dimmi la rosa, dammi la rima
Leggimi in prosa, leggimi prima

(Bruno Tognolini)

Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Hosting a host of beautifully different people, with many a tale to tell ... always worth it.


I love trying to get a grasp of foreign languages, am passionate about music and like to discover cinema from the past.

Music, Movies, and Books

Italian writer Stefano Benni towards the end of "Baol - Una tranquilla notte di regime" accurately describes the kind of people I would not mind mingling with. Naturalmente la lista non è esaustiva.

"Arrivano le tribù dei nictipori e dei seleni, i darkonauti dai sorrisi misteriosi. I vecchi pernodopoti, gli sputomachi. Ragazzi dalla faccia pallida, lupesse un po' annoiate, travestiti allegri con barboncini rosa, batteristi, elder poets. Gli agili adidasteri con stereomacigni sulle spalle e la tribù degli skatedromi su tavole alate, e i ranteri e i kobali dai giacconi irti di punte metalliche, e i dolcissimi punk muschiotricoti e gli skinhead ocriopodi e anche qualche manageronte pentito e uno spacciatore di elleboro e una vecchia pusher di petunie che si scola l'incasso, un vecchio ex-terrorista che vende dinamite usata, fidanzatini da cartolina, squadre di calcio dopo l'allenamento, portinaie spiritiste, avvistatori di Ufo, cercatori d'oro, iperborei, extracomunitari, mercuriani, maghi, streghe, maratoneti notturni, filosofi."

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

The isle of Skye ... the wondrous sea of Sardinia, whose colour reminds me of the eyes of a Sardinian friend .-)
Falling in love (à chaque fois j'y crois, comme chantait Piaf)...
Ser testemunha da natureza dona no Foz do Iguaçu

Teach, Learn, Share

LyricsTranslate.com - this is where you find the lyrics to the songs in languages you don't know... translated by wonderful colleagues to languages you can make sense of!

Radio.garden - Explore live radio stations by clicking on the world region you feel like listening to

Coursera.org - great learning portal, if you manage to keep up with your choice!

Countries I’ve Visited

Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

Austria, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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