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- Last login about 13 hours ago
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About Me
I play the piano and other instruments,I like music therapy (music-health), I am interested in quantum therapy oxidative therapies massage therapist,
I love nature and its plants. 😉
I like to live consciously and be creative in all possible facets:
because that is what we really are, creative beings.
Toco el piano y otros instrumentos, como musicoterapeuta (musico-salud), masajista, tengo interés por la terapia cuántica y las terapias oxidativas.
Me encanta la naturaleza y sus plantas.😉
Me gusta vivir conscientemente y ser creativo en todas las facetas posibles:
porque eso es lo que realmente somos, seres creativos.
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
"I enjoy meeting new people and sharing experiences. Couchsurfing has been an amazing way to connect with others over the years. While I appreciate how the platform has evolved, I do miss the days when it was entirely free. Regardless, I’m here to make meaningful connections and share good moments while it lasts. While the main purpose is to connect and enjoy each other's company, if there’s mutual respect and a strong connection, who knows what could develop from there 🙂🙃🙂♾️
"Me gusta conocer gente nueva y compartir experiencias. Couchsurfing ha sido una forma increíble de conectar con otras personas a lo largo de los años. Si bien aprecio la evolución de la plataforma, extraño los días en que era completamente gratis. De todos modos, estoy aquí para hacer conexiones significativas y compartir buenos momentos mientras dure. Si bien el objetivo principal es conectar y disfrutar de la compañía de los demás, si hay respeto mutuo y una conexión sólida, quién sabe qué podría surgir a partir de ahí".
First of all, I want to make something clear: I consider myself a dissident;
Due to the current dystopian situation in the world, I prefer not to host people who have received “Bill Gates’ transgenic treatment”, because from the information I have and the things I have seen, there are infections with dangerous pathogens.
Yes, I am talking about B.G. gene therapy, it is the so-called “vaccine for Covid or smallpox”.
It has been a failure in animals and now they are doing it experimentally in humans.
You already know that B.G. He is a specialist in creating viruses and then selling the antivirus (social engineering) (it's all a hoax) HE IS NOT A PHILANTHROPIST,
(more info:
LA SALUD BAJO CONTROL-Documental completo
⚡️Link in SPANISH, high quality: The Big Reset Movie. Full documentary:
Nauzet morgade full documental "asesinados"$/download/119865536_ASESINADOS,-el-documental---youtube/73e9916fb65fe225c1c32fc0ccc6b27f4d03fad4
⚡️ SPANISH: Direct link in Spanish in high quality:
I admire the courage of the people who put this poison on themselves, I wouldn't be capable of it. I have serious doubts that this is to help humanity.
Thank you for understanding
"I have a conscious way of looking at the world, stepping outside of what some might call the 'human farm'. My perspectives can be a bit challenging for those who take official narratives at face value; I just don't believe them. Several psychics have told me about what happens to the souls of many vaccinated people, but I'll refrain from expressing them here.
If we don't realize it now, when will we wake up?
As for my interests, I love music, meditation, tai chi, chi kung, yoga, and sports. Walking, breathing, and enjoying nature are also essential parts of my life.
I'm also passionate about sharing highly effective health products (most of which are unknown to the general public) to help people achieve optimal health. This includes vitamin supplements, minerals, and unique foods."
If you got the shot and need help, we can talk, there are resources and healthy options to strengthen health and cleanse the body of the jab.
"The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open."
."Antes que nada, quiero dejar algo en claro: me considero disidente;
Debido a la situación distópica actual que vive el mundo, prefiero no acoger a personas que han recibido el “tratamiento transgénico de Bill Gates”, porque por la información que tengo y las cosas que he visto, hay infecciones con patógenos peligrosos.
Sí, hablo de la terapia génica B.G., es la llamada “vacuna para el Covid o la viruela”.
Ha sido un fracaso en animales y ahora lo hacen experimentalmente en humanos.
Ya sabéis que B.G. Es especialista en crear virus y luego vender los antivirus (ingeniería social) (todo es un bulo) NO ES UN FILANTROPO
(más info:
LA SALUD BAJO CONTROL-Documental completo
⚡️Link en ESPAÑOL, alta calidad: La Película Big Reset. Documental completo:
⚡️ ESPAÑOL: Link directo en español en alta calidad:
Admiro el coraje de la gente que se pone este veneno , yo no sería capaz. Tengo serias dudas de que esto sea para ayudar a la humanidad.
Gracias por entender
"Tengo una forma consciente de ver el mundo, saliendo de lo que algunos podrían llamar la 'granja humana'. Mis perspectivas pueden ser un poco desafiantes para quienes toman las narrativas oficiales al pie de la letra; simplemente no las creo. Varios videntes me han comentado sobre lo que sucede con el alma de muchos vacunados, pero que me reservo de expresar aqui.
Sino nos damos cuenta ahora, cuando despertaremos?
En cuanto a mis intereses, me encanta la música, la meditación, el tai chi, el chi kung, el yoga y los deportes. Caminar, respirar y disfrutar de la naturaleza también son partes esenciales de mi vida.
También me apasiona compartir productos de salud altamente eficaces (la mayoría de los cuales son desconocidos para el público general) para ayudar a las personas a lograr una salud óptima. Esto incluye suplementos vitamínicos, minerales y alimentos únicos".
Si te pusiste el inyectable y necesitas ayuda podemos hablar, hay recursos y opciones saludables para fortalecer la salud y limpiar el cuerpo del pinchazo.
"La mente es como un paracaídas, sólo funciona si está abierto."
- dining
- vegetarian
- organic food
- yoga
- massage therapy
- meditation
- socializing
- music
- sports
- massage
- spirituality
- naturism
- dance
- naturaleza
- musique
- tantra
- love
- danse
- peace
- krishna
- ayahuasca
- god
- natural medicine
- spiritualité
- massage exchange
- nature walks
- organic
- massagem
- quantum theory
- jesus christ
- nature conservation
- paz
- music therapy
- amor
- singing bowls
- dios
- peyote
- un curso de milagros
- buda
- musicoterapia
- biocultura
- cuencos de cuarzo
- pachamama flat
Music, Movies, and Books
Professionally, I have a deep interest in music, especially when it's made with quality and care. I'm sensitive to sound and always enjoy discovering new styles. I listen to jazz, classical, world music, meditation music, and more.
When it comes to books, I’m drawn to topics on personal growth and consciousness. For example, 'The Disappearance of the Universe' is a book that has deeply inspired me."
Profesionalmente, tengo un profundo interés por la música, especialmente cuando está hecha con calidad y cuidado. Soy sensible al sonido y siempre disfruto descubriendo nuevos estilos. Escucho jazz, música clásica, música del mundo, música de meditación y más.
En lo que respecta a los libros, me atraen los temas sobre el crecimiento personal y la conciencia. Por ejemplo, 'La desaparición del universo' es un libro que me ha inspirado profundamente".
One Amazing Thing I’ve Done
"Being born and embracing the journey of life—it’s amazing to realize the infinite possibilities that come with just existing."
“Nacer y emprender el viaje de la vida: es asombroso darse cuenta de las infinitas posibilidades que conlleva el simple hecho de existir”.
Teach, Learn, Share
"Music, spirituality, and cultivating inner peace. I believe we’ve come to this world to find the light within ourselves—that is the true path, the journey of self-discovery and connection with the divine. I enjoy exchanging perspectives and learning from others' experiences."
"Música, espiritualidad y cultivo de la paz interior. Creo que hemos venido a este mundo para encontrar la luz dentro de nosotros mismos, ese es el verdadero camino, el viaje de autodescubrimiento y conexión con lo divino. Disfruto intercambiando perspectivas y aprendiendo de las experiencias de los demás".
What I Can Share with Hosts
"I share my home, offering a private room for my guest, and I can also share some of my time to help explore the city and recommend the most beautiful places to visit.
As a musician, sound therapist, and massage therapist, I can provide a unique experience. Sound therapy is a sound massage that invites you to connect with your inner space. I also combine sound with an integral massage using natural oils, creating a profound and relaxing experience.
If we have similar interests, it will be easier to share activities like yoga, meditation, philosophy, music, and therapies.
During the holiday season, we can explore beautiful places by car or motorbike—I particularly enjoy naturist beaches.
At home, I use only organic food from specialized shops in Barcelona. Please note that guests should organize their own meals. There is a supermarket nearby (not organic) and several bakeries and restaurants in the neighborhood. If you wish to share my organic food, that’s fine, but I kindly ask you to replace it with similar organic items or take it into account.
I also believe in the true Couchsurfing spirit, which involves contributing to the host's space. This could be by cleaning, preparing a meal, or offering a skill like therapy or a creative gesture.
Lastly, I value a clean and tidy home, so please leave the space as you found it. 🙏🤗
As I mentioned at the beginning, I do not receive people who have received "the genetic vaccine" I am open to hosting guests who are interested in a natural approach to health. If someone is feeling unwell or seeking help, I’d be happy to discuss potential approaches, as long as they follow a natural treatment. Health is a topic I am very close to, and I have experience with the current state of health worldwide. I prefer not to host people with a closed mindset regarding this topic. with all this. (And with what is coming...🧐🤔🤨)
Countries I’ve Visited
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, France, India, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, Netherlands, Peru, Switzerland
Countries I’ve Lived In
Spain, Switzerland