Fotos von Ewa Tomczak

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  • 5 Referenzen 2 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, Polish
  • 30, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2018
  • Programmer/Developer
  • Master of Science
  • Aus Łódź, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

Hi! I am Ewa and I am this kind of person who loves anything she tries. Sports, arts, travelling... I don't have enough time for everything I would like to do.
But I hope I will live long enough to try much more stuff than I have already ;)
I'd love to get to know as many interesting people as possible and investigate other cultures from the inside.

Lately I'm travelling usually solo but I also find random poeople to go with so I make memorable moments with new friends from all over the world! I feel really happy when I can meet someone who's local in a place I visit, so I can see it from his/her point of view.

Mostly I choose nature (especially mountains) but I also like possibility to admire great work of architectures or artists, visiting bigger cities.

I work as software developer (I don't love this job but it pays the bills ;)). I live with three cats. I would also be open to host others but I have problems with one of my pets right now, that's why I had to check that I'm not hosting ;( Sorry!

Some of my many hobbies (apart from travelling) are hiking, reading, writing, singing, drawing, painting, squash, board games and... many more :)

You can read (only in polish though - BUT you can always just scroll through photos ;)) about some of my travels here, on my blog:

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I travel quite a lot and I would love to stay at homeplaces of locals or just meet them for a hike, beer or sightseeing, to get to know new countires and cities from the inside :) I love seeing places from new perspectives, locals also always have priceless tips :)

I really love travelling and I really love poeople and I really love animals :D That's why "all inclusive" isn't my style of travelling. I move a lot and often sleep in different places during one trip. I'd love to meet some positive future friends during that time <3


  • arts
  • digital design
  • running
  • reading
  • painting
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • travelling
  • nature
  • trekking
  • mountain climbing
  • disney

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I can't specify "favourite" as I love diversity in life and also in music, films and books.

I listen to almost all kinds of music (except disco polo, I guess). From rock and metal, through pop and folk, all the way to film music for example.

If I had to go for some favourite films, I think La vita è bella 1997, Lord of The Rings (obviously) and Lilo & Stich (I couldn't not mention any animated movie!).

Books! How can one choose a favourite? I totally admire "Perfect Imperfection" (written by polish author by the way!), it blew my mind. But I also love Stephen King books, Witcher series, Psycho by Robert Bloch, Pratchetts books or "Know My Name: A Memoir" by Chanel Miller. And (who would guess!) many more :D

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I don't consider my life in such terms. I do love to cross my own boundaries all the time. Like travelling solo to Morocco or taking two strangers with my on a trip to Iceland. But one cannot look at a life from only one perspective and only one amazingness. Solo treks during night always make me feel alive. But I can't specify one "amazing" thing. Survivng every day and not giving up. That's truly amazing.

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

I would totally love to share stories from my travels (and listen to yours!). I can also be a comrade for some hikes or other ways of spending time :)

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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