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  • 2 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 39, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • writer, freelance artist-in-residence, amatuer metaphysician
  • autodidact
  • From Portsmouth, Ohio
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me


I want to see beyond the hidden, to explore, to share what I have and meet new folks.


A little while back I quit my job and sold everything I owned in order to travel and be homeless in the name of art. My girlfriend and I bought a canopy for her pick-up truck and hit the road. I've been making hand-written chapbooks of my writing, learning tarot, and reading voraciously. It's been great so far!

I was born in hillbilly country. For the past six years I've lived in Portland, OR. After traveling a bit, I feel a little spoiled honestly. It's such a great city. It's still my home base, so I pass back through now and then to get my affairs settled and revisit friends.

I'm an independent scholar of sorts, mainly because when I get interested in a subject I tend to dive into it as thoroughly as possible. I love the avant-garde, metaphysics, literature, film, music, etc. I enjoy learning new things from people. I like to have fun.

I consider myself a straight-forward and honest person, and will answer absolutely any question asked of me. So, if you've got any, let me know! I'd be glad to tell you anything about anything.


I'm a deeply spiritual person and view the physical world as a mask for the larger, invisible terrains we are always involved in constructing and collaborating within. I've studied mostly gnosticism, alchemy, and theosophy, but I tend to be eclectic in my reading material. I'm generally optimistic, and work diligently to master my thoughts and emotions. Still, so far, I'm human. I try my best to live by example, and so I'm into risking as much as I can within reason. I believe that most of the tensions and problems we face socially are the result of excessive fear, etiquette, and a false notion that we're separate. So I tend to be as forthright as possible. I'm not very much into the 'I', but I dig the 'I AM'.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I'm brand new at this, and since I recently untethered myself, I'm looking to participate as much as I can. I've heard amazing things. I would like to see amazing things. Certainly anyone who hosts me has a live-in cleaning person or cook if they want one, and once I get settled again, I'm always happy to host. In the meantime, I'm at sea, still trying to lose my landlegs, so advice is always welcome!


Like I said, I'm brand-spanking new to this. But I hope to have some stories soon.


I like explorations of the dark & grotesque, shining a light into hearts in caves, the southern gothic tradition, studies in spiritual alchemy, french theory, text-art, mysticism, conversation with depth, author lectures and interviews, milkshakes, weird clothes, passing the pipe, innovative literature, prose-poems, disembodied voice(s), having my mind taken apart and put back together in new configurations, people who aren't afraid to say what they really think, biscuits & gravy, whales, pie, iced coffee, mythology, cute animals, small press publishing, jazz, doom metal, playfully undermining expectations, silly dancing, the sound coins make coming out of a vending machine, soda pop, religious iconography, the flame of the sacred, new vulgarity, being a cowboy/cosmonaut, alternative comedy, scrambled eggs, ponchos, hot sauce, children who haven't had the magic bludgeoned out of them, silence, outsider art, and oracular utterance.

  • animals
  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • literature
  • poetry
  • folklore
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • coffee
  • clothing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • magic
  • music
  • jazz

Music, Movies, and Books

FILMS: Badlands, Kicking & Screaming, The Double Life of Veronique, Henry Fool, All the Real Girls, The Element of Crime, The Saddest Music in the World, American Astronaut.

MUSIC: Anything I've never heard before, but these days I'm particularly fond of Sunn O))) and Sun Ra, and outsider electro like Bruce Haack. I really really like musique concrete music, too. Otherwise, standards like the Mountain Goats, Neko Case, Will Oldham, and Neutral Milk Hotel.

BOOKS: Brian Evenson, Noy Holland, Gazy Lutz, Pierre Reverdy, Arianna Reines, Blake Butler, and too many others to count

TELEVISION: Deadwood, The Mighty Boosh, The Venture Bros.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Every day there are things.

Teach, Learn, Share

As mentioned before, I am interested in occultism (of the right-handed variety), and enjoy discussing metaphysics. I know a lot about writing, too, and produce any kind of creative writing I can. I'm pretty good with research, since I do it in my spare time often. I'm also a decent councilor, I think, and like to help people however I can.

I make art and books and book art, and I like to barter. I think that poets/prophets are an essential part of this world's evolution, and that it's easy to forget how necessary words are. Language is capable of many things. I'd like to see what other possibilities exist.

I like collaboration.

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