Photos de Garvey Dixon

Profil non vérifié

  • Membre non vérifié par paiement
  • Numéro de téléphone non vérifié
  • Pièce d'identité non vérifiée

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  • 0 avis
  • Parle couramment  English
  • 38, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2018
  • Illustrator
  • Diploma
  • de Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa
  • Profil renseigné à 55 %

À propos de moi

I grew up in Zimbabwe. Live in South Africa where I work as an illustrator for a private college that is called The Water Academy. The Water Academy focuses on training learners how to treat water to be clean and prevent water loss. I do not own a car, and walk where I need to go in town. I have a chilli bush that I planted and has had chillis the last 3 years. In my free time and holidays: I enjoy reading non fiction books, drawing pineapples, working in the garden and being in cafes drinking coffee. I donate 5% of the sale price of my father's art I inherited to Greenpop and 5% of the art sale price to Cancer Dojo, a charity supporting those with cancer. I am shaping my investment portfolio such that if I invest in a specific company it is an environmentally and socially conscious company. I practice Zen, and like the perspective in the form I practice of: "correct action and correct function", basically by being present and mindful in each moment, you can see what the correct action required is and you can then carry out the correct function, you see a plant needs to be watered, you water the plant :)

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

To meet people

Pays que j'ai visités

Belgium, England, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Ireland, Netherlands, South Africa, Zimbabwe

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