Geoffrey Daadoun's Photo

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  • 25% response rate
  • Last login 2 days ago

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  • 42 references 36 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning English
  • 32, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • Frigoriste
  • Licence Génie thermique et Énergie
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

As you see on our profile picture, this account is for our couple ! So who are we ? A French "young" (🥴) couple !
Let's be gentleman... firstly :
- Samantha , 33 years , working with the children in elementary school as "ATSEM". Always ready for have a good moment of speaking or laughing with new meets . She's learning english so be gentle with her , she has enough knowledge for understand you , she just takes her time haha...

And me :
- Geoffrey, 32 years, working as a maintenance technician in professionnal kitchens or laundry. As Samantha, I like to make new meeting , have funny moments with them ..

For resume, we are living at Toulon , in the south est of France. We are open-minded and there is no discussion's taboo with us. We are simple people who wants to enjoy life by laughing, travelling, learning other culture etc... We are well educated and we want to believe in the kindness of humanity. Even if it is becoming more and more rare unfortunately.

One of our new passion is hiking, what a better way for see the beauty of our world ... like you can briefly see on our pictures. Finally, we love to face challenges like to be on the top of a mountain, adrenaline experience etc... The feeling of pride is so much satisfying !

We also like to play board games and it will be a pleasure to play with our hosts and guests for have a real good time :)

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

As we said, we wants to enjoy life by travelling and meet new culture, peoples , share good moments with them ..

So what's better than Couchsurfing for that ?

We also agree to welcome travelers at home ! It would be selfish to enjoy of "Couchsurfing" when traveling without doing the same for you !


  • animals
  • diy
  • drinking
  • video games
  • hiking
  • skiing
  • badminton
  • mountains
  • football
  • forests
  • laughing
  • creativity
  • discussion
  • card games
  • wild camping
  • movies and series
  • funny people

Music, Movies, and Books

G : I'm not complicated because i can hear all of the type of musics. But if i must do a best/worst this will be alternative rock for the best and rap for the worst. ;)
Concerning the movies, i don't really appreciate the horrors movies. I am really touched by the movies based on real facts and I love the movies with turnaround like Usual Suspect's , Slevin, Dedales etc...

S : [Incoming] :)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

During the summer in 2019, we have traveled 17 days all around Iceland and oh my god... It was just gorgeous, we have slept with our tent most of the days, meet hosts awesome, seen sooo much waterfall 😍
Seriously, if you have the opportunity to go to Iceland, don't hesitate no more, go for it !

In May 2021 we have made a hitchhiking road trip. It was our first time doing this and we were so surprised that it has worked so well. We have met so nice people, it was a heart's travel.
We made around 800km in 7 days and we have been taken by 35 differents people 😁

July 2022, we have gone to Norway by Hitchhiking and done almost 3000km 🥰

What I Can Share with Hosts

What we can propose to our guest?
Simple, just to feel like home :)
We'll ask you if you don't eat some type of food for make you a good meal.
We'll can share good moments with playing Boardgames, or go to hiking, speaking etc.. 😊👍

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In


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