Fotos de Isabella Castro

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  • 6 recomendaciones 6 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, French, Italian, Spanish; está aprendiendo Romanian
  • 21, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2024
  • No se ha indicado ninguna ocupación
  • No se ha indicado la formación
  • De Lima, Lima Province, Peru
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I’m a Peruvian who decided to move to France in 2022 to continue my bachelor studies. Since I arrived in Europe I haven’t stop traveling all around, with my family, friends and on my own. This 2024 I will be travelling for around 3 months straight. I started in april in the Netherlands and then around Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Czech Republic.

I love traveling and cultural exchange. By this point i’m not even sure if i’m more into knowing places or knowing people.

instagram: @isabellancastro

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

i live getting to know people from all around the world, i enjoy knowing fun facts of their countries and themselves as everyone has such interesting stories to tell.

+ i do believe some people is meant to know each other in order to learn from them and maybe also discover a bit more about themselves.

i’m not hosting yet but i’m willing to once i move to my next apartment. i love having people around and just the idea of help them with the city or just have somewhere to sleep.


  • clubbing
  • backpacking
  • archery
  • languages
  • films
  • theatre
  • marketing
  • social media
  • cultural exchange
  • video editing
  • open mind
  • erasmus+

Música, películas y libros

olivia rodrigo, taylor swift, temple sour, flor de jamaica, karol g, avril lavigne, star wars, marvel, harry potter, percy jackson, i like a lot of things

Algo increíble que he hecho

had to walk around 2h in the highway because there was no public transportation in Podgorica, North Macedonia. After 3h the bus decided to pass by, finally.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

spanish, any language, cheap traveling tips

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

funny stories, travel tips, whatever comes to mind, desserts, and if i have something peruvian ofc that too

Países que he visitado

Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swaziland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State

Países en los que he vivido

France, Peru

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