Joseph Akonye's Photo

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  • Last login 2 days ago

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  • 3 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning German, Ukrainian
  • 26, Male
  • Member since 2024
  • Student
  • Student
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am a Masters student at University of Gottingen studying Sustainable International Agriculture. I believe that being alive is a great opportunity and one should try to make good use of this opportunity. Make sure to enjoy life, Explore the world and try to live your best life. I can be very social and active sometimes and also quiet, Calm and reserved. It all depends on the mood i am and the energy and vibe of then. Person or people around me at that Moment. I love listening to Music, Dancing,TRAVELLING!!! meeting people and learning new things. I really hope to be able to see every part of the world. I enjoy hanging out with friends or on a group rather then travelling alone. I look forward to getting to know wonderful people on this platform. Feel free to write me and i will gladly respond to you.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To offer people help with accommodation when they come to my city. I know that feeling of wanting to travel but not having enough funds. I feel very excited when i get to visit a new place and there is free accommodation and i hope to be able to help other too in this little way. I also hope get to meet other Couch surfers when i visit other cities and counties so we can share experiences and probably organise trips together.

Music, Movies, and Books

I love listening to Music and seeing movies too

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Volunteering and participating in outreaches to the homeless and less privileged people

Teach, Learn, Share

Adventure, stories, West African spicy food, Night life, Spending quality time, Heartfelt discussion, Relaxation Massage, culture, Lifestyle and many others.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Not encroaching into your privacy. I will be at my best, try to make sure you are happy while i am around. I am a very lively and social person so no dull moments around me. Also help In making sure that your house is clean and tidy always. I could also be of help to do other task if you need my assistant.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Hungary, Nigeria

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