Kateřina Doničová's Photo

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  • 5 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Czech, English; learning German
  • 26, Female
  • Member since 2022
  • No occupation listed
  • Fashion Design
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Well .. how to begin
My friends think I am funny..guess that's why they hang out with me (not gonna be for my money for sure). I am very adventurous and down for every spontanious idea, kinda live day to day.

Huge fan of meeting international people - so count me as social creature. Can give you short introduction why czechs are so in love with beer and call it our 'culture'.

When it comes to staying at someone's place I am very respectfull 'cause I live in flatshare so I know how to behave... and as I am starting this journey of couch surfing trust me I will be the nicest person you host cause I need some positive references.

I am completally fine with animals tho I have allergy on cats so don't be surprise if I wake up with red eyes if u own one.

Can't do much of these self introductions so ask me whatever you wanna know! I am open book!

Ps. Sorry for my typos.. it's part of my personality and also prob just have fat fingers for typing..

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I am hella fun so I thought I gonna use my great personality to finally pay me back and find me place to sleep and meet people!

Also I wanna hear all the international gossips from different countries!


Well I am super active person so I have a lot of activities. Can't sit still for long .. unfortunatelly for my wallet

The most is kinda my creative part of my soul. From sewing I do also my own assesories and trying to start my own custom production. So hit me up if u wanna cool clothes!

Also do pottery but take it too personal and basically every pot I make becames a friend to me. I can later on send you pics of Fred and George ( you will be either scared or amazed)

Sport and hiking of course. When I was a child I was 10 years in scout so I have this unberable desire to be in nature and visit new places! That's why I am trying to travel more also very unfortunate for my wallet.

And I guess the biggest is my funny side. I am very social even though I sometimes prefer to be alone. But love to meet new people and kinda always down for every fun and party. Of course respect others people wishes and space so I am completally fine to keep this side for me. But introduce me to your friends and trust me you will have stories till end of ur life!

  • reading
  • traveling
  • pottery
  • knitting
  • music
  • hiking
  • party
  • sewing

Music, Movies, and Books

When it comes to music I have 3 personalities which I love very much. The soft one who relax with the sounds of indie music. The cool one who grow up on suicideboys. And lastly the hardcore one who listen hard techno while sewing because then everything is made faster!

With books I would recomend:
Sophia, der Tod und ich - Thees Uhlmann ! For me must read. Amazingly funny book. It's written that every word catches you! Fall in love with it.

If cats dissepeared from the world - Genki Kawamura - book who plays with the importance of some stuff over others and human selfisness (in my opinion) - cried from half of the book till end.

And of course as a succer for movies here's my list:
Isle of Dogs ( love love) - the visual side of this movie is just breahtaking, could literally watch it every month and be amazed!
LOTR - guess noo need of comment (not hobbit tho)
Secret life of Walter Mitty - movie which actually doesn't give me much of logical sense but always melt my heart somehow ..can't help

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was on top of a human pyramide! - see photo as proof.
Well it all began with beer in my hand and randomly meeting few of circus guys. And of course I convinced them to give me this amazing moment in my life to be on top of the world.

What I Can Share with Hosts

my bad jokes which are actually hillarious you just might realize it after I leave.
Other than that can give you some fashion advice how to finally be cool but have to warn you I am brutally honest when it comes to fashion.
Also if we sit down I can tell you some amazing stories fromy my crazy nights.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Croatia, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In

Czech Republic, Germany

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