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About Me
First of all, Please read carefully my home section if u want to be my guest. it s quite long and maybe boring but i love to host and help people but sometimes u know, things or values which are obvious for someone isn t so clear for somebody else. so better to evitate negative experience. I guess if u host a lot, u can understand even more my point.
My own flat is under repair so i stay in another one for few weeks till the job will be done. I can t host downthere but i ll be back as a great host as soon as i ll get back home. Anyway, I am searching a new area to live in France in case u have ideas, please let me known, Too much stress and many people in Paris.
On the other hand, I search for places to stay for a while anywhere too, as home or pet sitting, mid term and long term couchsurfing, helping, exchanging house, community, squat...
I search for a roomate too because i can travel long term, and my flat is wel furnished, cheap and in a great area.
I understand people send messages or requests without reading profiles as few people will answer to them but i hope u will do it when i will answer to u.
I PREFER MUCH MORE TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK WITH A SOCIAL MEDIA ( when i am an host or a guest, things get much easier, clearer for everybody ). So please send your fone number, whatsap, skyp or Telegram from the begining if u plan to surf my couch. I won t ask for it because u are suposed to read that part.
IT S NOT ONLY MUCH EASIER FOR DETAILS ( home, arrival,transports, availability etc ) AND CLEARNESS IN A ROW ( without need of plenty messages ) WE CAN FEEL AND UNDERSTAND EACH OTHERS AND avoid BAD EXPERIENCE. Actually,I do the same when i ask for a couch .
SO NO TIME WASTED . I don t want to send 10 messages and to need to ask for info that u should send by yourself. ASSUME i don t have internet out of home, and i am not stuck on my fone all day long, so maybe better to anticipate what we can.
I MEAN I RECEIVE SO MANY REQUEST WITHOUT INFO SO I JUST REFUSE NOW BECAUSE I M TIRED TO HAVE TO ASK FOR EVERYTHING. I like to help and host it s my pleasure but if it s always a risk to open your door to somebody who doesn t know how to behave. Especially when no references appear. And when people contact u without thinking about your life organisation mean there is a risk that empathy doesn t exist inside themselves and they just want to use u.
That s why i definitely prefer to SPEAK with people before to accept them. So i can feel before how they are and it s so much faster and clearer to exchange practical info and i can give u many tips about Paris which are good to know before to get i guess.
And if u are two person i prefer to host people with a profile, so better two profiles for two guests. So send the second profile on your request and even better send two requests. I could accept two on one profile sometimes too, depending on u ...
PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHERE exactly and When and where exactly will u arrive and leave if u know it in advance. Because for example, many people don t even say till last minute they will fly at 5 am from the airport for example ...
- u are adaptable and appreciate what people do for u
- u are able to help to buy and prepare food for example i will appreciate, and clean after yourself and not waiting everything from me. Many people use the host as a free hostels without behaving, sharing or giving just even a bit....
- if u know already your plan what do u want to do in the city, let me known
from your first message, maybe i have tips or i could join u if u wish and if i have time.
- i have the possibility to speak with u, I prefer from far away, so i understand who will come, and much easier to explain details, how to get etc and be in instant connection.
- u know how to interact with people in a nice,clear and fluid way.
- u try to be clean as possible as inside as outside. so i won t need to clean after u.
-u are able to write a nice reference before to leave the place, showing u enjoyed to be here, and without i need to ask u for.
so if u answer to these things on your request, it will show u read this and you understood the point about empathy, respect and sharing right ?
i prefer u send a request for the first night, even if u plan to stay longer. Usually there is no problem to extend. So i have the chance to do something else in case of emergency and we have time to write a reference for each others before u leave. i noticed that many people forgot to do it later even if they promise to do it when they leave. Really frustrating right ?
Eldorado is the secret keyword to show u read it all too. Please mention it on your message. I m sorry about this boring stuff but it s better to avoid headaches later and continue to open doors to strangers. I hope u understand the point.
please, no more messages as ; " me and my friends ... " please send me the friend Cs profile too and even better if he send another request. I m not in social medias so don t need to send me Fb or Insta as many people do ,But whatsap, skyp or Telegram orfone to speak directly, yes u can do it, as i mentioned upon.
Usually I CAN HOST U IN PARIS City OR IN GRAN CANARIA island depending about my schedule.
So l could host u in Paris City or in a remote north coastal área like 30 kms away from las Palmas de Gran Canaria. U SHOULD READ CAREFULLY ALL MY HOME SECTION BEFORE TO ASK FOR HOSPITALITY PLEASE. THANK U.
Im so sorry about all this blabla, and believe me, i was the first one in the old times to don t understand all this, but if u want to keep the faith and continue to host people , u need to try to keep u away from people they don t desserve it ...
It s mainly sentences and quotes i like and i want to remember.
They are written in different languages.
I am an open spirit searching for knowledge, freedom and conscience.
Travel, i mean the real adventurous one, is one of the best way to reach this goals i guess.
Create my own path
in a poetic way
searching for
To feel up Energy
To fill up Life
Light but Reliable
Deep but not Heavy
Crazy but not a Fool
Limit Pusher but Respectful
Sensible and Sensitive
Idealist but Pragmatic
Witty and funny
well , i said the most important way about my "mission".
Right now i am working on a documentary movie.
I suppose i am a real traveller, this is what i do the best, especially off beaten track.
Anyway, being a traveller is just a state of mind, geographic movement just help to catch the cream of life, especially without searching for comfort but taking risks and believing in.
About believing, I do believe in people , even if a lot of them are quite desesperating especially in our rich countries. anyway, i continue to believe even if from the first minute some ones show their limits and will turn the tables or try to catch your own energy. Never mind, I prefer to keep believing and give them a chance , even if i have a big chance to be hurt myself at the end. As say the proverb " les chiens aboient, la caravane passe. " I don t know about the same idea in english ? Sorry about that.
I like to walk in cities of arts and national parks too. Walking is like a spiritual work for me.
I trek , sail , dive , dance , love ...
I listen, i smell,i read, i listen, i speak, i taste, i look and i vibrate.
Maybe my mission is to die less stupid than i was born
or maybe better to not forget original genuity and the experience i learnt as the same time ...
And continue to search more connexions with Gaia mother.
That s why i travel.
I love to read but i must admit i don t take the time enough from so long.
But i promised i ll do it when i ll be tired to walk. And when i ll be bigger, i ll even maybe try to write !
I am interested in spirituality and anything we cannot explain even if they do exist, so we don t call them science but magic.
Human sciences in general and all types of arts.
Well i borned very cartesian and I understood by travelling how everything is connected and has a sense. Just need to open ourself and try to feel. I guess this idea of synchronicity that i felt many times traveling is very well explained in books for example as the Celestine Profecy from James Redfield.
i try to grew up myself , living crazy things , pushing the fear away .
And just hoping that we still have a chance to not killing completely that wonderful chance we have to be in this World gifted by mother Nature.
les mots des maux
et moi d emoi
transi , transit
le bonheur
la douleur
la bonne heure
j attends ...
( c est de moi ! )
La meilleure maniere de
ne pas perdre son temps
c est de le prendre
( et oui ! )
Tourists are terrorists
Artists are on their list
Traveller are much clever
better adventurer
( Toujours pour vous servir! ne pas trop rigoler svp )
.... etre voyageur: etat de confiance au monde, d abandon au destin, de presence a soi, de disponibilite aux autres, de curiosite, d emerveillement, d audace.
Tout voyage, toute aventure se double d une exploration interieure. Il en est de ce que nous faisons et de ce que nous pensons, comme de la courbe exterieure et de la courbe interieure d un vase: l un modele l autre.
L attention est la forme la plus pure et la plus rare de la generosite.
Some people think
they need to see to believe
some others feel
they need to believe to see
( right ? )
It s not about
to imagine that you saw
what u needed to see
to do what you need
to see what you imagined
( maybe next one which is the same idea is clearer )
Live your dream
Dream your life
( Am i right ?
even better to make words true too !)
Un proverbe chinois dit:
Pleure qui peut, rit qui veut.
( J y rajouterai; )
Pleure qui veut,
Rit qui peut !
J adjoint ci dessous l origine des termes Religion et Reussite. Quand vous les aurez lu, vous comprendrez pourquoi, pour ma part; voyager est une ... religion reussie !
- ETHYMOLOGIE DE RELIGION De religio, «attention scrupuleuse». Selon Cicéron (Ier siècle av. J.C) le terme vient de relegere, «recueillir, rassembler» ou«relire» (De natura deorum, Livre II, 28, 72). On insiste alors sur l'idée d'attention, de suivi scrupuleux du rite indépendant d'un engagement croyant. Selon Lactance (III-IV esc.), il vient de religare, «relier», et la religion relie l'homme à Dieu (Institutions divines, IV, 28, 3-12). On ici met l'accent sur le lien au divin ou entre les fidèles réunis par la religion. L'étymologie de religion est donc l'objet de débat dès l'Antiquité; et le thème de la «double»étymologie de religion (relegere/religare) a été très commenté.
- ETHYMOLOGIE DE REUSSITE Réussir, qui se traduit en anglais par success et auquel on associe le mot succès, tient son origine directement du mot CÉDER! Effectivement, ceci est particulièrement intéressant dans l’histoire des réussites et de «ce qui cède». Parce qu’il y a aussi le mot décéder qui découle de la même racine. Pas seulement ça, mais aussi excéder, concéder, succéder, procéder, précéder, cesser et ainsi de suite. Or, l’origine de ce mot est pour le moins inattendue: c’est en fait que le sens de «céder», en latin cedo, signifie aussi «se retirer». Donc, il implique un mouvement. Ainsi, accedo en latin signifie d’abord «s’approcher»; decedo, «s’en aller». De la même manière, praecedo était «marcher en avant». Ainsi, successus était plutôt un «dénouement», comme lorsque le «nœud cède». cedere a donc aussi un sens d’«aller», comme «les affaires vont bien», et par extension, «réussissent». La réussite est dans l’abandon. Pour ce qui est de réussite en tant que tel, ce mot est emprunté à l’italien riuscire, à l’origine étymologique non moins intéressante. Parce que uscire signifie «sortir», riuscire est donc la deuxième sortie. C’est employé dans le sens de l’«aboutissement» d’un chemin, pourvu qu’il y ait une ouverture. Donc, riuscire se produit lorsque, par exemple, une rue commence à un embranchement donné et finit, ouvre sur la mer. On en est «ressorti»; on a «réussi».
Je pense qu'a la source des mythologies ,on trouve une histoire veridique et le fait de vouloir structurer un fondement social par un exemple atemporel. C est pour cela que la realite peut toujours depasser la fiction, la vie peut depasser le reve. Et ceci malgre la virtualite croissante de notre societe contemporaine, qui tend a un monde surfait, sans plus de connections avec la realite. Par consequent, en recherchant l aventure dans le voyage, on se donne l occasion de s immiscer dans des interactions qui nous font ressentir pleinement l Energie du Monde. Ainsi, par cette lucidite sans cesse renouvelee et de par le bonheur de vivre des moments "forts" , on peut se recentrer en la beaute et la plenitude du temps et de l espace. ( Sic ! ) Et, a mon humble avis , ce travail (ou travel) est une maniere de se connecter a une realite superieure , comme d autres recherches spirituelles . ( votre serviteur )
En lien direct avec les idees que j evoque maladroitement ci dessus, je me permets de rajouter ce qui suis, afin d eclaircir ce que j essayais d exprimer precedemment. Au vu de mes remarques concernant la mystique du voyage, plusieurs personnes m avaient conseille de lire "La prophetie des Andes " de James Redfield. En le lisant j ai pu trouver confirmation a plusieurs de mes intuitions. Je me permet d ajouter des passages dudit livre;
-" L amour n est pas un concept intellectuel ou un imperatif moral. C est une emotion qui apparait quand on est relie a l energie qui existe dans l univers,..."
-" Quand vous accumulez suffisamment d energie, vous etes
La sagesse commence avec l emerveillement. SOCRATE
Libido Sciendi
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
Meeting people is the most important part of a trip.
Hospitality is a great value for me. I hosted many people and be hosted too when i was travelling, even before to be a CS member. So i think it s so a logical and wonderful idea to help people on the way and making people connecting. I used to be too much contrite on myself when i was younger. Now i know that even the best traveller ever will only be a lost homeless if great inhabitants won t open their doors for him.
By travelling , helping at home, being an host and a guest and promoting the site too to anybody i can meet on the way, i try to extend this beautiful concept.
Wanderlust Connexion Love Happiness Art Adventure Conciousness Freedom Nature Experience Books
- culture
- writing
- poetry
- yoga
- meditation
- magic
- music
- scuba diving
- sailing
- table tennis
- archeology
- ecology
- philosophy
- psychology
- travel
- art
- cinema
- nature
- mythology
- freedom
- trekking
- massage
- spirituality
- friendship
- documentary
- humor
- health
- knowledge
- self improvement
- cuisine
- litterature
- kindness
- museums
- tantra
- love
- kundalini
- consciousness
- reiki
- friendships
- video editing
- understanding
- tai chi
- evolution
- trekking,
- harmony
- many more
- south east asia
- natural parks
- slam
- adventure trips
Music, Movies, and Books
I am fond of music , black and Rom musics in general. But i am going more and more on cool jazz and even European or Indian classical music. Actually, my taste very eclectic, even if I prefere more and more sweet and peaceful music as for meditation.
I like to dance , especially afro- cuban music.
About movies i guess i prefer french movies from the 40 s, american from the 50 s and italian from the 60 s.
So i like old black and white ones. ! But new blockbusters catch me too.
I love to read but i must admit i don t take the time from so long ... time ! except for Lonely Planet guides !
But i promised i ll do it when i ll be tired to walk. And when i ll be bigger, i ll even maybe try to write !
Many authors catch me the list would be too long but i can remember right now; Henry Miller ( some pages are just like enlightening bombs for me. Pure pleasure ... ), A.Camus, F.Nietszche, C.G Jung, Jim Harrison ( some novels are just perfectly equilibrate, even if it was traduce in french, so the traductor made a great job too i guess.) They are too many more ...
i love life, arts in general, the list is too exhaustive...
let s try for some painters then :
Mantegna, Ingres, De la Tour, Monticelli, Van Gogh, Da Vinci, della Francesca, Caravaggio, De Morales, J.Clouet, Cimabue, G.Bellini, Lippi, El Greco, De Zurbaran, Fragonard, Van Eyck, Bosch, Van der Weyden, Vermeer, de Ribera, Quentin De La Tour, Da Messina, Fra Angelico, Signorelli, Soutine, Modigliani, Moreau, Caillebotte, Cezanne, Courbet, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Munch, Serusier, Vallotton,
so many ...
so much to say but in two minutes , i could pass days to answer ! but ok for example in cinema ;
Orson Wells, Fritz Lang, Marcel Carne, Joseph Mankiewicz, Federico Fellini , J.P Jeunet, Luc Besson. Marlon Brando, R.De Niro , A.Pacino, H.Bogart, L.Bacall , P.Dewaere, Louis Jouvet, Jules Berri,
And for music, maybe more complicate because so many are on my list but in one minute, i say ;
G.Moustaki, S.Gainsbourg, James Brown, Otis Redding, Billie Holliday, Bjork, Guiseppe Verdi,
One Amazing Thing I’ve Done
Extraordinary is suposed to be out of the ordinary right ?
i prefer to think that everythink is usual, so even if i cannot really feel what a great chance i have when i travel at least i continue to feel it simply and naturally, whithout looking at from outside ...
It makes me keeping connected completely. Even if i see now how i forgot so many incredibile experiences , by the fact to live them day by day, for years.
Hopefully, I ll still be able to remember about some of crazy adventures...
I mean travelling put me in connexion with the world and the road become the gate to magic and mistery.
About details or some stories , better to ask me directly cause the list is too long and maybe you won t even believe me !
Teach, Learn, Share
I can host and help in Paris to travel, visit and enjoy the city for cheap or even free.
I can host u in Gran Canaria and u should be independent especially with transportation cause i live in a quiet remote area. Very scenic place i guess, just the sea, the desert and the sky ...
In paris i have many invitations for art events as concerts, art openings, theater etc.
I guess i can help people to organize a trip and choose destinations, cause i done it many times for many places around the world.
Right now i search for people to come with me in a jungle expedition to make a documentary ; it means my team staff should have good adventure spirit and be fit , knowning filming ,video editing or taking sound. An archeologist specialized in Americas is required too
I need to learn to use Final Cut Pro. i want to die a little less lost than i borned ,so still much road to do ! I love to meet people and share. If somebody can teach me to levitate I m there !
For example , I need to learn to be less touched inside by bad behaviors and many other things of course. I can give you a good massage after a a tiring visiting day and i can receive one also ! I can cook for you and you can cook for me too I can give you good tips about Paris and about traveling too , contacts in a lot of area of this world. I can teach to scuba dive and give u an headache with long stories ! I guess i can be a specialist for the last one, so don t hesitate to stop me if u are bored !
What I Can Share with Hosts
A meal, a concert, a party or a museum visit if i m not too busy
I can help in Paris to travel, visit and enjoy the city for cheap or even free.
i have many invitations for art events as concerts, art openings, theater etc.
I guess i can help to organize a trip and choose destinations, cause i done it many times for many places.
I m living for the instance in Gran Canaria.
We can go around my house to a beach, some natural sea pools, or for a walk. It s a very quiet zone just in front of the ocean, with a magnificent view on Teide peak in Tenerife island which is just in front of the terrace.
Countries I’ve Visited
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Estonia, France, French Polynesia, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Réunion, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States
Countries I’ve Lived In
Belgium, Dominica, France, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Honduras, Italy, Martinique, Mexico, Spain