Locky Burgess's Photo

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  • 3 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 28, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Bicycle Mechanic
  • No education listed
  • From Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

For my entire life I'd always found myself drawn to people who had travelled and had a story to tell. I always found myself making friends with people with accents as I knew they probably had a story to tell.

I grew up very shy in a family that didn't have much money or much travel experience. I remember promising myself when I was a teenager that I'd never get on a plane as I was too afraid! Then by 19 I'd gone to New Zealand for the first time - for a ski trip with friends. FOMO was powerful.
As my 20's have continued I've become more curious about what makes us who we are. Through this curiosity I've enjoyed meditation, cold and hot therapy, regular exercise, compassionate inquiry therapy and self-love. And most of all - curiosity.

I'd always wanted to pack my things up into a backpack, get on a plane and go - so at 28 I finally made my dream a reality.

I kicked off my travels with my first stop being Taiwan. I cycled the Huan Dao (perimeter of Taiwan) and attended a friend's wedding (first wedding I've ever been to - I cried).

Now I'm in the USA, Canada will be next. I don't plan to return home to Australia anytime soon as I sold all my belongings and brought my bike (Salsa Cutthroat) and backpack with me abroad.

I plan to ride Vancouver Island at some point later in 2024 but in the mean time I am considering cycling across the USA before I do that. The Trans America trail looks like the way to go.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To meet people who inspire me. Hopefully I can inspire in the process. This platform is full of all sorts of characters who come from all different walks of life and I know that the people I meet are the true beauty of any new experience that I have.


Yes everyone on here is an explorer and an adventurer who like music, correct? Am I any different? I hope so.

  • concerts
  • music festivals
  • coffee
  • meditation
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • cricket
  • history
  • food
  • exploring
  • gym
  • museums
  • stand up comedy
  • djing
  • bicycle touring
  • consciousness
  • tinkering
  • weightlifting
  • therapy
  • pickleball
  • nootropics
  • noodle soup
  • compassionate inquiry

Music, Movies, and Books

Hip hop is my true love but I just about vibe every style I can get my ears around. Love country, punk, alternative rock, pop and anything in between! Show me some new stuff! 🎶🎧

I like to DJ at parties for fun and I've played a couple professional gigs too.

Recently read my first book since high school. It was a big step for me.
My book of choice was Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. They say you should read what you like until you like reading!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

As a young child I was the shyest person in school. As I've gotten older I've learned to connect with people which has been truly transformative for the way I see and experience the world. I love meeting new people and bursting out of my shell helps me spread joy!

Teach, Learn, Share

Do you ride bikes? I've been a bicycle mechanic for nearly 10 years! I can teach you how to fix your bike! If not I am pretty handy, especially with technology and computers.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I'd love to share a meal, a joke and some stories. I like to look at life on the lighter side and try to keep things flowing in a positive direction.

Countries I’ve Visited

Indonesia, New Zealand, Taiwan, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In


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