Matheus Quintana Barreto's Photo

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  • 207 references 161 Confirmed & Positive
  • Ambassador
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Danish, French, German
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Researcher
  • PhD in Biochemistry
  • From Butiá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I'm a Brazilian guy living in Aarhus, Denmark! I work as a PostDoc Researcher at the university and my study encompasses the structure and function of proteins, especially enzymes. Now I have been devoting my efforts to study some proteins in plants, so if you are into science it will be nice to delve into some of these topics.

I am in this platform because I enjoy getting to know other people, different backgrounds and perspectives of life. I travel as most as I can in my free time and as a foreigner I try to spend my time getting to know more about Aarhus and Denmark.

I will be a good choice for you to chose me as a host if you are interested in getting to know the city, to go out and have a beer, to party or to spend some time together talking about any randomness you could! I am also keen to meet locals and travellers to explore the city and its surroundings, the region of Aarhus and other places in Dk. Message me and let's plan that!!
If you are just interested in a place to stay to save money or you are just using this platform to be hosted by people during your travels abroad to discover the beauties of this world, you'd rather look for someone else as I would not be the best company in that case.

Couchsurfing has been a great platform along the years and allowed me to meet people from different places. I have made many friends in here and I look forward to make many more. Welcome to Aarhus and let's meet up!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Meeting, Discovering, Exchange!

I am a Couchsurfing enthusiastic and I always try to lure people I like into this community. I carry positivity with me when I contact new people and I intend to get the most from each person's experience. At first it was weird thinking about having a total strange in my house, but then I realized I have unknown friends all over the country that come in and share their thoughts and lives with me.
Couchsurfing is about meeting different people, different cultures and ways of living. As soon as I joined this project I could realize how intense it was and it led me to getting more interested in knowing different people all over. Since I joined CS I hosted, I surfed and I engaged in different activities like local and national meetings, but the best part of it is that I knew many great people I would never be in touch with otherwise. I discovered many places I couldn't even imagine and I learned stories, tasted flavours and saw landscapes I wouldn't have without the support from other surfers.

Through couchsurfing I have met amazing people all over the world, I was hosted by single people, couples and families; I slept in beds, mattresses, hammocks and couches and each experience was unique and wonderful! I have met plenty of people and I can assure I made real friends through this platform.

Gosto bastante de viajar e sempre faço isso quando tenho um tempo, a.k.a feriados. Desde que eu comecei a entrar na vibe do couchsurfing conheci pessoas de vários locais que não teria conhecido de outra forma pois ele liga pessoas com um pensamento parecido, apesar de fazerem coisas bem diferentes na vida e que não se relacionariam se não fosse por aqui. A princípio é dificil pensar em colocar um desconhecido dentro de casa, mas percebi que podemos ter amigos que a gente ainda não encontrou e que acabam vindo pra casa dividir o tempo e as experiências deles, e isso é demais!

Penso que Couchsurfing não é simplesmente deixar alguém dormir na tua casa, pois cama qualquer HOTEL tem. O importante é que haja uma troca de conhecimento, uma conversa, algo que a pessoa que fica na tua casa consiga compartilhar contigo e que te torne diferente. Eu entendo que a cidade que eu moro não seja um atrativo turístico, mas ficar na minha casa só pra dormir não é algo que eu goste.


Reading, travelling... Talking about science is one of my favourite subjects but I'm not restricted to it.
I am up to anything interesting I can learn.

Gosto de ler, trocar ideias, falar sobre viagens e ciência, principalmente da área de biológicas, que é a que eu estudo.

Tenho interesse em basicamente qualquer coisa interessante que eu possa aprender.

  • culture
  • beer
  • science
  • travelling
  • meet people

Music, Movies, and Books

I have a very diversified musical taste, I'd say Brazilian country music sounds better to me and is therefore what I hear the most. Latin music has also become one of my favorites, reggaeton, cumbia, bachata and salsa are always my playlists and I tend to listen to it on a daily basis.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Becoming a volunteer and noticing we do change people's life is one of my major achievements.
When I turned 18 I volunteered myself to work on Election Day as a poll worker and every election by then I volunteer myself for the same task. I have learned so much with that and got a glimpse about this complex controversial country. Democracy is a philosophy, not a method of selection to pick up thieves!
Volunteered myself for the COVID-19 Jannsen vaccine

About traveling, Hawaii was intense! The place is beautiful and you can go from the beach to the mountains in a while. Death Road in Bolivia was AMAZING!

Me tornar voluntário foi uma coisa importante para mim pois acredito que isso faz a diferença na vida das pessoas que estão em um lar ou em um hospital.
Desde meus 18 anos sou mesário voluntário e a cada eleição eu consigo aprender um pouco mais sobre o país e sobre as pessoas que vivem aqui, pois é uma maneira de sair da nossa bolha e ter uma amostra de como é a população.
Fui voluntário da vacina da Jannsen da COVID-19.

Sobre viagens, viajar para o Hawaii foi uma viagem bacana porque o lugar é muito bonito e tem praia e montanha do lado um do outro.

Teach, Learn, Share

I know how to cook, although I am too lazy for dishwashing. I know a good repertoire of Brazilian country songs and I can move relatively ok ahhahahaha.

Sei cozinhar relativamente bem (meus amigos nunca reclamaram), apesar de ter muita preguiça de lavar a louça kkkkk
Conheço um bom repertório de música sertaneja, apesar da voz não ajudar e sei ser um bom par pra dançar.

What I Can Share with Hosts

At first I can be shy, but later I am talkative and tend to do jokes all the time.
Cooking is a possibility and going out to parties and having beers is much appreciated :D

Eu tendo a ser um pouco tímido quando conheço as pessoas mas depois que tenho um pouco de intimidade a coisa desanda.

Sei cozinhar algumas coisas, conversar bastante e sou parceiro pra fazer qualquer atividade.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Brazil, Denmark, United States

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