Fotos von Melanie Meixner

Nicht verifiziertes Profil

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Interessiert an Treffen

  • Letzte Anmeldung vor mehr als ein Jahr

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend English, German; lernt zurzeit Swedish
  • 30, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2014
  • Keine Angabe zum Beruf
  • Student
  • Aus Bavaria, Germany
  • Profil zu 50 % vollständig

Über mich

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I like meeting locals and discovering parts of the city that I wouldn't find as a tourist. So far, I only stayed in Hostels, but in order to safe some money (for more traveling) and to get to know lovely new people I'm excited to give Couchsurfing a try!

Unfortunately, my room is way too small to offer you a place to stay. I'd be happy to meet up in Bamberg, though!


Music, concerts, festivals, traveling, art, trying to play the guitar, trying to take decent pictures; also I'm a social media addict.

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Punk, Indie, Alternative and lately also some Rap and electronic stuff. I'm drawn to lesser known bands with a D.I.Y. attitude most of the time.

I'm not that much of a movie person. I love series like Bates Motel, Misfits and Game of Thrones and tv shows like Neo Magazin Royale.

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I tweeted something like "Too bad this concert is so far away. The line up is amazing!", got a reply saying "Deal: You come over and help us out and we get you guestlist, food and a place to sleep in return."
And so I took a seven hour train ride and met some of my favourite bands, sold some merch, learned a new drinking game and slept in a punk ass dorm room at the venue, with the bass of a dutch rave singing me to sleep. Good times.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Austria, Czech Republic, England, Finland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Wales

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