Maritza  Camacho's Photo

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  • 29 references 17 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish; learning English, German
  • 41, Female
  • Member since 2009
  • sound technician, cook, artist, Musician
  • Soy musica y sonidista.
  • From Naci en Bogotà, Colombia y he vivido en muchos lugares de mipai
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


mi mision, y claro que la hacepte, es estudiar y conocer a fondo las diferentes ramas musicales aplicadas a las manifestaciones audiovisuales, es decir, a jugar con la musica y ponerle ese toque a las obras y compocisiones de la gente


I'm Maritza and Melissaloov is my stage name. I lived in Europe for a year and a half before arriving in Mozambique. I have always made music, I play the guitar and sing, I also play Colombian percussion. I lived in Argentina where I studied in Tucumán, an incredible place, also in Berlin and I currently reside in Africa. I like to paint, I like color, I love to dance, cook, meet people and be with my dogs. I currently have a musical project with hiphop bases and Colombian folk rhythms. I like to design clothes and recycle.
I am against animal abuse and I am in favor of small and medium-sized businesses working for preservation of cultural resources. I love sunsets and sunrises, I like aguadepanela and mango juice. I am wonderfully in love with Mr. Luke and my dogs and cat. You have to see my house.

I believe in God like the creative force and protective, in the mother earth that is still kind, I believe in that good people exist and believe in supercion personal. My philosophy is to let be free and to take advantage of the freedom.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I want that people know and are not scared to leave, to devour the world, the planet is for knowing it and to enjoy him, all that one that wants can and must do it, is people beautifull that hopes by us, and that it needs to also have us.


It is the first time that I participate and knowledge enchants that I can find people with my same tastes and dreams me, enchants the idea to me to have this opportunity to take a sofa and to make friendly, i´m very happy.


People who stay at home should know that I am looking for VOLUNTEERS in exchange for accommodation , so if you stay for three days to a month you will enjoy my home and feel useful where you are. If you only come for recreational purposes, I can not help you because I am looking for a cultural exchange with Couchsurfin to help me improve where I live.
You can help me with the garden, with computer support for advertising, as an assistant in shopping or with language classes. You can help three hours por day and then receive accommodation and breackfast, also help in the local school where I worked as a volunteer is other options, but remember: YYOU NEED CREATE A PROJECT MINIMO A WEEK FOR VOLUNTEERS IN TOFO. Is a kinder garden, is a team for futbol in the local community and other school directly in Tofo.

For a short time now I have been experimenting to make couchsurfin a more valuable exchange.

I have a juice bar on the beach so I also need to improve the publicity of this space to get more customers. Help in the bar like administrator, supervisor in the months that I will be traveling, normally May or November.
In this case I seek the help of shopping, you need to have driver's license (making daily accounts using my car). To make publicity via internet and to collaborate with the good energy of the place, is more than help.

My house is in need of help with the garden, it is a very big place and I do not have the time to dedicate myself to it. My goal is to start making a garden so I need help with people who know and know about permaculture or about how to fertilize and keep plant pests out with natural methods. I also have a pig so the garden at home is a task for which I really look for help.

  • animals
  • singing
  • theater
  • design
  • coloring
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • gardening
  • clothing
  • movies
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • painting
  • music
  • guitar
  • camping

Music, Movies, and Books

films of charlkes chaplin, forcopola fransis, the brothers Coen, Colombian cinema, documetales on the nature, and the human nature, films that reveal and show realities, but also, and much, films that make us travel by the imagination and the magic, like tim burton. I love Jazz to the tin, rock fussion, folklore, tripp hop, ambient, reggae and all that this or done thus is regueton, but or hecha.Thi is the music that I like. The books of william ospina, Edgar allam poe, Galeano Eduardo, Fernando Ballejo and the matchless Garcia Marquez, gabo. It is necessary to read and to see the love in the times of the rage, that good.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

y looked many incredible things like the whales in the pasifico, to the high gentleman but of the world, to but the handsome one also, the type that crosses all Europe in bici, and seen as the corruption also is a problem of all and that we must act and raise our voice of nonconformity, without being fighter.

Teach, Learn, Share

Living in tofo you can learn to surf, to share with the people who live the culture of the beach with their aquatic activities. The snooping volunteers have access to my surf board when you want it. I have a bar makes it possible to meet more travelers.
My cultural exchange is to teach you to prepare some Colombian dishes in fusion with the Mozambican cuisine, we can cook in my bar and you can not prepare food for the clients, this is an exchange only between you and me, so after your classes You can sit down and eat what you have prepared. My kitchen is open for your creativity in natural juices, breakfasts, etc. It is a sporting and culinary experience and if you make music you will have the opportunity to play with me and with other musicians in the city, but if you do not know how to play and you want to learn, I can teach you how to play guitar or percussion, I have guitars at home, as well as to exchange your experiences with the children of the school where I work like volunteer. You will not be bored in my house.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Volunteers will have breakfast and nice home, Located 5 kilometers from Tofo Beach, you will need public transportation to get here. It is called Conguiana, Babalaza..
This is an amazing place for one or couples. With only four rooms and one small house, you are offered a charming, private and relaxed place where you are safe and undisturbed, pool, 3 dogs and a sweet cat.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Italy, Mozambique, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Uruguay

Countries I’ve Lived In

Argentina, Germany, Mozambique

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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