Christo Mar的照片


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  • 108 评语 80 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 French, Spanish
  • 35, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2010
  • building my dreams as i see fit
  • the absurdities of these glitterpaved streets
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


READ THIS FIRST!------------- You absolutely MUST read my Home Description before you send me a request. And that request MUST show that you read my profile at least a little bit. this is a community, couchsurfing is. if you just want a place to stay, there's hotels for that. Our house is IN THE WORKS and as such we are constantly working on it. we ask that you help us out on whatever projects we're working on. there are many projects at hand and depending on who you are, you could be working on any one of them. gardeners landscapers carpenters tree climbers roofers sculptors fountain builders wheelspinners chefs de cuisine storeytellers magicians painters dishwashers jugglers and people of any skill or persuasion are always welcome. aimless drunks and wimps need not apply. Your mother cannot stay here. love Christo

ps no actual construction during the mardi gras season

CURRENT MISSION On a search for interest, not the kind that you get at a bank, but the kind that sweeps you up into adventures that will last a lifetime. To build my kingdom of heaven here on earth. Nonsecular.

ABOUT ME nothing is as serious as you think

PHILOSOPHY Everything will be alright in the end. If its not all right, its not the end. the rest of america is obsessed with freedom, but here in new orleans, we know this is a fiction. here, we practice "do whatch wanna".

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I travel in great leaps and bounds, on a whim and rarely with a plan. In these travels i spread the gospel of couchsurfing to the heathens of the world and crash on couches with impunity. When at home, my couch is always open, and i love to host.


Wild adventures in caves, marshmallow fights that defy guiness's dumb book, brooklyn rooftops with illegal fireworks and smatterings of firemen.
Chilling on boats with Swedes who don't even like boats.


heathens, harlequins, planetary alignments that will reduce the price of eggs, unrefined petroleum products, parties, pickles (which i always think i like but never do), the wierd way people can feel a stare, loud music, louder music, glowsticks, fake ray bans, real bonafide cowboys, relistening to good music from back in the day, ignoring good advice to learn it on my own, minimum speed limits and speedbump banditos, surfing, salutations as long as they aren't "be safe", a good fish taco, sunshine, gypsies, derelicts, rich hobos, tribes of beautiful buenos aires girls, kidnapping as long as it involves hookers, stickin it to the man, stealin candy from babies, acing standardized tests with no hands, old bicycles with the extra big and extra small wheels, welding, glassblowing, breaking things that i have made, phonographs and sonographs, finding money in pockets and plush sofas, romance, the gold flecks in goldschlager bottles and yogi the bear's mother's clit piercing

  • fish
  • books
  • dancing
  • traveling
  • music
  • surfing
  • passion
  • aphorisms
  • hilarity


Steinbeck. Henry Miller. Hesse. Vonnegut. Hemmingway. Philip K Dick. Kerouack. Tom Robbins. Hunter S. John Muir. Robert Jordan. Way more than i could ever remember
Catch 22 can be read until the book falls apart. Done it.
Travels with Charley is my current bible.
The Bible: that book is CRAZY! More sex, boozin and violence than the entire history of RocknRoll. Purely entertaining. also, jesus was the MAN.
good ole' Buk

TV bores me

Music? I dance like the world is about to end. Right now, im dancing to James Andrews the big time stuff album, and its so funky i can barely sit still long enough to type this.


fact is stranger than fiction

I've stopped telling a lot of my stories because they're so unbelievable, even I don't really believe they happened.


If you can keep up with me, you'll be two steps ahead of the game.


Argentina, Canada, Costa Rica, England, France, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Virgin Islands, U.S.


Canada, France, Mexico, United States


  • 2 担保s

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