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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in English, Swedish; learning Danish, Norwegian
  • 29, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • glassblower
  • glassblower
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 65% complete

About Me

Hey there world ! my name is jonatan even though i am called jthan, john, johnny depending on what circles of friends i am around i am still jonatan.. at home with my family i am called jonne but yeah that works only in the swedish dialect.

Normally introduce my self as jonatan so lets go with that ;)! i am a artist and a soon to be world known glassblower from sweden, i have a huge desire for learning and understanding different concepts in philosophy, science religion, culture etc and i am i huge sucker for information and random facts, just to see what the world have to offer i have decided to come to meet it. and with your help we all can !

i want to get to the heart of what this desire is and what it have to offer me if i follow it.. this desire to know and understand is a key figure of how i am. its maybe because i have adhd i have got this drive from feeling i struggle in everything i do since i was little. the last 5 years this feeling have truned to a hype, and to take upon the changenge i have sign up here.. i have a lot to offer, i have been living with people all over the world from when i was 16 years old. and in my early years in school i lived with people from the us , great britain finland, norway and people from more or less the hole world, we did speak english to one another at home and because all of us lived and went to the same school we spoke it there to. and i speak english better then swedish some times, i am dyslektik so my spelling might suck but i will get better with time "hopefully"

Okej so more to know about me
i am a happy person with many personalities, or more "a lot of personality" hehe what can you expect from a person with 5-8 different nicknames and with adhd hehe.

I am for the most time happy and i am inspiring to get people to open them self up to others ad i am to myself ! i am the guy that you just want to do stuff with ! and i am a guy that want you to tech me everything you know, or much as the time and place offers ! and you will feel when you meet me that's exactly what i want to do with the people i am with. one thing i have learned and i feel is my kryptonite is to be alone. or for to long at least. i struggle with doing things alone and that is just for my own beneficence. we all have to learn to be with our selfs to ! to stay in one plays to long if things don't evolve and or if things don't happens around me i feel is the go to for me, i have tryid to make a home for my self now and its been to long and now is the time for me to find a better place ! i just want to peek in and see the world where you are ! see the world, meet its people ! i feel i am dependent on the people around me and i feel i would love to just try to live in that, to be helped to find the way ! i have the desire to be active and make things happen and so i have learned i do best with as much people around as possible.

now what am i spending my time and energy !?
i am a glassblower and a artist at heart. am inspired by street art/performance, art and creative projects and mind expanding ides and challenges, i like to get out of my comfort zone and try as much as i can to challenge myself.
i am in to mindfulness "i try" and with my adhd i have struggle to handle the minds focus when i comes to meditation, its one thing i want to find more injoyment in doing. and challenges like meditation is hard one. except when i blow glas, that is pure meditation. that is when god takes over and I goes away! iam inspired to find and learn more about focus attention flow state i have heard so much about ! and feelt a glimpt of and finding the peace in the moment. my trick is to travel. i would love to find a place, like a real "here" where i can make a home. i plan to leave sweden to just travle or find this place i can call home. a place i can bring the world to more or less, but yet i have not found that place, so i seek you out there in the world to bring me in one or twice. i want to find a place where i can be me and where i can become the best version of my self. i long to leave sweden again and that is way i am here on this site ! i am ready to travel and find a job or two, so i am going to place to place just to look around. i need people to help me to find my place or just a stop on the road. so in so trying to find the others, i get to show the world how i am and the world a chance to show itself!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

fuck hahah ! i wont write more hahah ! i think you should read the opper text haha

me and my couchsurfing goals are the same thing.

Music, Movies, and Books

Just a good songs that speaks about how i am !

Diego y Jarah - Butterfly people

Andrew Wartts And The Gospel Storytellers - There Is A God Somewhere. (Full Album)
"even if its about the bible its one of the greatest things i have ever heard ! its more satir to listen to it, but with love the message !

Estas Tonne - Internal Flight

Teach, Learn, Share
Alan watts
stoned ape hypothesis

About adhd !

What I Can Share with Hosts

Food, massage, just some good time with one or another deep conversation !
projects and activities that make people happy and awake to the beauty of this world !

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