Priscila Ceregato's Photo

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Not Accepting Guests

  • 94% response rate
  • Last login about 10 hours ago

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  • 20 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Portuguese; learning English, Spanish
  • 38, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Viajante Sonhadora
  • Fisioterapia
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I love hearing stories about travel, about life... I consider laughing to be the best way to feel good.
I like to take care of and help people and I discovered myself in physiotherapy. I'm looking to be a better person for myself and for the people who cross my path.

I don't know much about anything, but I know a little bit about a lot, which makes me have good conversations.

My Portuguese is great, my español is aceptable and my English... ahhm, my English is not good, but I try. (I'm even using the online translator to make this profile in English.)

I love to travel and this year (2025) I will finally be able to travel for a long time. In March, this sabbatical effectively begins! For this reason I am not receiving requests for guests.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

By a friend, I discovered CS a long time ago... Today I stay here to meet new people, cultures and way of life. I hosted a few people and with each one I was able to learn new things and share great moments.
The collaboration that CS provides is immense and I want to take advantage of it to continue getting to know people and their cultures and share a little of myself as well.
Hosting them and staying in the future on a trip will only be a good consequence.


Knowing the world through my eyes or other people's stories, the important thing is to be open to opportunities. I like to open my points of view to what is already known and to the new. This time I want to learn more, not only through stories, but also in practice.
I like to crochet or embroider during trips and I've been trying to read a little more, I also take risks in the kitchen and sometimes on a dance floor.
I really like to talk and I know that language can be a barrier many times, but I like challenges and I will use technology to get closer to people and make real, deep and fun connections.

  • culture
  • dancing
  • traveling
  • crochet
  • backpacking
  • viajar
  • different cultures
  • idiomas
  • español
  • viajes
  • forró
  • hablar
  • embroidery
  • espiritualidad
  • going to the beach
  • conocer gente
  • i love travelling
  • vida
  • fazer amigos
  • fisioterapia
  • aprender idiomas
  • sense of humor
  • conoscer mas del mundo

Music, Movies, and Books

I like forró (a typical Brazilian rhythm)
I'm terrible at band names, song lyrics, song names...
The same goes for books, movies, actors, etc...
What matters is to participate and have a good time.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

*Living with someone ♡
*Allowing to be loved
*Working in the ICU of one of the largest hospitals (not the largest hospital) in Latin America during the pandemic and having the chance to help many lives to be saved
*Changing professions at the age of 32, after 15 years in a company
*I talk to strangers (all the time)
*I've laughed until my stomach hurts (many times)
*I organized a wedding in 4hrs (with the help of other people)
*I traveled without speaking any English or the local language, to places that don't speak any Portuguese or Spanish
*I crossed from one city to another by an abandoned train line, by bridges in very bad condition, without any security, and I survived
*I took my parents to a trail, difficult level, and they loved it
*I swam with a giant stingray manta (I almost died of a heart attack, but it was one of the most beautiful things I had the chance to do)
*I lost the fear of going on a boat (still in process)
*I went on a trail climbing a volcano just to see the sun rise
*I learned the best definition of God
[Under construction...]

*Morar com alguém ♡
*Permitir ser amada
*Trabalhar na UTI de um dos maiores hospitais (de não o maior hospital) da América Latina durante a pandemia e ter a chance de ajudar muitas vidas a serem salvas
*Trocar de profissão aos 32 anos, após 15 anos em uma empresa
*Falo com estranhos (o tempo todo)
*Já ri até a barriga doer (muitas vezes)
*Organizei um casamento em 4hrs (com ajuda de outras pessoas)
*Viajei sem falar nada de inglês e nem o idioma local, para lugares que não falam nada de português nem espanhol
*Atravessei de uma cidade pra outra por uma linha de trem abandonada, por Pontes em péssimo estado, sem nenhuma segurança, e sobrevivi
*Levei meus pais para uma trilha, nível difícil, e eles adoraram
*Nadei com uma manta arraia gigante (quase morri do coração, mas foi uma das coisas mais lindas que tive a chance de fazer)
*Perdi o medo de andar de barco (em processo ainda)
*Fiz uma trilha subindo um vulcão só pra ver o sol nascer
*Aprendi a melhor definição de Deus
[Em construção...]

Teach, Learn, Share

> Life itself is already a learning experience, I hope I never forget that. <

** Divide to Multiply!**

If anyone wants to learn Portuguese I'm at your disposal! And teaching subway riding in SP is one of my specialties.

What I Can Share with Hosts

A good conversation, respect, care, I can risk cooking something, help with the organization and cleaning of the house...
I adapt well to situations, I understand if it is not possible to spend a lot of time together, after all I am out of the normal routine.
I need to feel that my space is being respected and so you will have the best of me in return.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela

Countries I’ve Lived In


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