Nguyen Mia的照片


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  • 29 评语 15 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Chinese (Simplified), English, Vietnamese; 正在学习 German
  • 34, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2023
  • Full-time translator, part-time teacher
  • BA
  • 来自Vietnam
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


- This is Mia from Vietnam. I also have 5 other names ( don't be surprised if you ever heard someone call me Rachel, Miami, Christine, Nami, or Thanh). I'm currently living in Metro Manila for work. I've been living here for more than 8 years, you can ask me anything about Makati. Well, of course, there are so many things I don't know but I will share anything that I know.
- I'm kind of an Introverted person, especially when you see me after my work. So, if I don't talk a lot, it doesn't mean I'm mad at you, it's just because I run out of energy.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

Updated on Feb 02, 2024.
In 2023, I couldn't travel around Europe and experience so many interesting things without support from hosts and other people who became friends later and visited me again in my home country. Therefore, when I'm back to my "work-study-plan" life, I decided to host other people (when I have time). Not only to support other people but also to feel alive again.


  • photography
  • food
  • friendship
  • exchange language


- I don't listen to music often but have my favorite genre, instrumental or classical music. I'd love to listen to any music or songs my friends share or recommend to me, so please share your favorite music with me so we can enjoy it together. You know, melodies and smells have a strong power in our memories, they remind us of unforgettable moments. It will be beautiful if we have such moments in our lives, right?
- I used to read books but now I rarely touch them since I have such a hectic schedule. I listen to audiobooks or podcasts instead. My favorite books are Kane and Abel, Nobody's Boy, and other management books. I no longer read self-help books since I don't have time to think about "self-help" but put it into action.
- Movies? I'm such a boring person who just goes to the cinema and checks randomly some newly launched movies or watches again and again some old series like Friends, and How I Met Your Mother. Don't ask me anything about Marvel or superheroes, I know nothing about them. I only watched Guardian of the Galaxy (and it's because someone downloaded it on my computer), and Fast and Furious (because it's super popular in my country). Don't get me wrong, I do love watching movies, I just don't put it on my priority list. If we run out of the thing to do, we can watch together 😁. P/s: My favorite animation is One Piece, if you're not a fan of Luffy, you can pass this topic 😂😂😂.


quit a well-paid job to travel around Europe.


I'm learning every day and would love to share what I know.
Don't know what to teach. However, I believe everyone is good at something, just wait for right time and right people.


What I can offer is a sachet of Vietnamese coffee and my stories when I travel on my own.

I'm into Chinese cuisine as well, and my favorite dish is hotpot. If ever my hosts like to give it a try, I'd love to serve them.

At the moment you read this, I'm learning a bit of design on canva. If you need my help, I'll can handle it ( I'm confident to say that I can design and do it with all my heart but I can't tell if it's nice looking or not.)


Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, Viet Nam


Philippines, Poland, Viet Nam

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