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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in English, Spanish
  • 58, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Admin Specialist at Large / Angel at Large
  • Three Years Biz School, Medical Lab Tech, EMT
  • From Bayamón, Bayamón, Puerto Rico
  • Profile 65% complete

About Me


Hi! I'm Desert Storm era veteran, born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and starting a new life in San Luis Obispo County, where I'm looking to learn more about it and the Central Coast from those who share my passions.


As I'm in transition, I have to be upfront in letting you know that -- as of this writing -- I do not have living quarters of my own. If this is a deal breaker, I can understand.


If this is not a deal breaker, I commend you on your open mind, and I thank you for reading further, as I have much to give to those who are open to receiving, and can't wait to host fellow couchsurfers once I'm able to.


...I function in the "real" world under my secret identity (a.k.a. my legal name -, seeking opportunities as an administrative specialist with nearly twenty years of experience in the field, working in more than ten different industries.

AT NIGHT... true identity is revealed ( First and foremost, I'm a healer: a former Medical Laboratory Technician, a former EMT, an active Energy Healer, and the creator of The Hand(tm), a unified theory of healing that can help you lose weight, heal yourself, and unleash the hero within ( My mission is to launch The Hand as a formal business beginning January, 2016, and to use it to defeat the obesity epidemic in America by the year 2026, by sharing it with one woman at a time.


I love to cook, not only for the experience and taste, but to heal and nurture. I neither smoke nor do drugs, but I'll have my occasional pint of ale, glass of red wine, or a shot or two of rum/tequila/ouzo/vodka when I'm with the right company. Somewhat of an introvert, I'm usually so absorbed in the joy of my work that I don't look up from it, but when we get to know each other, I'm a laugh a minute. I'm fascinated by what makes people tick, and once engaged in conversation, I've been called a great listener, a natural interviewer, and a caring and kind provider of insight.


My Typologies: INFP (Myers-Briggs), 9w8 (Enneagram), 5/2 Heretic Hermit Manifesting Generator (Human Design).

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I wish to know San Luis Obispo County in its entirety, not only to experience the flavor of all its towns, but to get to know the people, as understanding its demographics and what makes folks tick is at the root of my work. I hope to expand the range of my couchsurfing to surrounding counties within a few months, and to other states as we approach 2017.


Although I'm new and have no references, I present the following testimonial for your consideration, and I seek to leave you with enough of an equally positive impression as to warrant a positive reference:

"I approached Roderick because I needed soul-centered yet practical advice about how to move forward in my life. I was at a crossroads between trauma debris and healing, and while I had many tools at my disposal that were working, I knew I needed a tool that would guide me based on who I truly am at my core. Roderick helped my by allowing me to see that my shadow side is just as important as my light. It wasn’t until I was able to fully open to and love the parts of me that I had previously found unlovable that I was able to move past the trauma debris and start living full out. The result has been phenomenal. I am experiencing positive gains in my career, money flow, and most importantly, relationships. I adore Roderick’s compassionate yet no-nonsense approach to coaching and guidance. As he says 'forewarned is forearmed.' He knows just how to deliver information that people need to hear but may not be ready to admit. He is able to guide clients toward self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love by giving them the truth and holding space for them to hold it within themselves, too. While his Human Design chart reading and interpreting skills are amazing, he’s even better at helping his clients understand how to live through their design to become the person they were truly meant to be. I would recommend Roderick to anyone who needs clarity, effect positive change, and create the life they truly want to be living." (Melissa H., Keene, New Hampshire)


a) Go to Peru and talk to Mother Ayahuasca
b) Visit Japan and see a live martial arts competition at the Budokan
c) Swim with a Great White off Catalina Island or the Great Barrier Reef
d) Visit Culebra Island, off the coast of my homeland, Puerto Rico
e) Check off all the places I've noted on my Pinterest board called "Inevitable Destinations," and,
f) To once again visit Germany


Transcendental Meditation, yoga enthusiast, Human Design, kettlebells, making people laugh, health and healing, energy/remote healing, The Enneagram, Pinterest fanatic, blood type nutrition, cooking as a means of healing and nurturing, deep and thought-provoking conversations, tarot, past-life regressions, politics, martial arts, Great White Sharks, video gaming as an art form, video gaming as a tool for human evolution, reading, writing, and -- of course -- helping others lose weight, heal themselves, and unleash the hero within.

  • arts
  • writing
  • design
  • cooking
  • wine
  • red wine
  • yoga
  • running
  • meditation
  • politics
  • reading
  • martial arts
  • track and field
  • swimming
  • business
  • history
  • law
  • physics
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books


Rush, The Police, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Alanis Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Imogen Heap, Foo Fighters, Matchbox Twenty, Jeff Buckley, Sting, Steve Winwood, Depeche Mode, Enigma, Loreena McKennitt, Neil Young, Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Earth Wind & Fire, Prince, Bob Marley, P!nk, Norah Jones, Ruben Blades, Santana, Sheryl Crow, The B-52's, Robert Palmer, Tina Dico, The Duhks, Alice in Chains, Wynton Marsalis, Branford Marsalis, Thomas Newman, Hans Zimmer, Jeff Beal. I love Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.


a) Stuff written by Mario Puzo, Sidney Lumet, David Mamet, Chris Nolan, David S. Goyer, John Logan, Alan Ball, Kevin Smith, The Wachowskis;
b) Stuff directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Sam Mendes, Bryan Singer, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Robert Redford, Clint Eastwood, James Cameron, Chris Nolan, The Wachowskis, Zach Snyder, Robert Rodriguez/Frank Miller;
c) Movies featuring John Cusack, Kevin Costner, or Kevin Spacey, as all three actors typically show up in roles that resonate with aspects of my personality, and;
d) I may be the only guy in the western hemisphere that really digs romance and rom-coms.


a) I mostly read non-fiction because I'm obsessed with my work, which deals with Quantum Physics, Nutrition, Supplementation, Movement Theory, Circadian Rhythms, Microbiology, Human Design, I Ching, Eastern Chakra Systems, Group Dynamics, Organizational Behavior, and Social Media.
b) As far as fiction is concerned, I strongly resonate with Howard Roarke, the lead character in Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead," although I'm not an Objectivist. NOTE: I love Alan Moore's stuff, but I might be the only person in the world who prefers the Wachowski's cinematic take on "V for Vendetta" over his graphic novel. I'm a sue me.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was born with a heart murmur, and -- as a child -- I could not run a hundred feet without passing out. On my twenty-first birthday, the present I gave myself was completing a 5:45 mile...on a gravel track. Even at my age and size, I can still finish a mile in under eight minutes.

Teach, Learn, Share


If you give me your birthdate, your birthplace, and your birth hour, I can tell you what your superpower is, the mission you chose to accomplish on this visit to the Earthly Plane, the additional twenty-five choices you made in order to accomplish your mission, and what internal organs you need to take care of in order to achieve perfect health. If you also give me your blood type, I can teach you how to lose up to two dress sizes in two months.


What makes you tick, what makes you smile and laugh, what you yearn to do to improve your lot and make the world a better place.


Laughter, joy, and the absolute certainty that there has never been, there isn't, nor will there ever be someone like you in the history of humanity. We are all ONE.

What I Can Share with Hosts

1) Tell me your blood type, I will tell you what ingredients to provide, and I will cook you a fantastic dinner that is not only healthy for you, but delicious. (NOTE: If it's Saturday, ask about Nachos Probioticos...You won't regret it!) O;-)

2) Lively dinner conversation, as I love talking about deep subjects, making others laugh, and sharing in the simple pleasures of spirits having human experiences.

3) Your choice of one of the following, absolutely free:

a) A thirty-minute energy healing session (a $60.00 value),
b) A LifeChart (intersection of Quantum Physics, Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and Eastern Chakra System) live mini-reading, with a follow up comprehensive interpretation report in PDF format within 72 hours if you provide me with your email address (a $150.00 value), or
c) The BETA version of The Hand Gold Edition (a $333.00 value).

Countries I’ve Visited

England, France, Germany, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Puerto Rico, United States

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