Sangak Mirov's Photo

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  • 2 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Persian (Farsi), Russian, Tajik; learning Chinese, Spanish
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2023
  • Teacher
  • Master
  • From Tajikistan, Khatlon, Tajikistan
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I'm a creative and curious individual who's passionate about exploring the intersection of art and business. As an artist and entrepreneur, I'm constantly seeking new ways to express myself and connect with others through my work.

I'm not a master of any one medium, but I love experimenting with different forms of art and finding new ways to bring my ideas to life. Whether I'm painting, writing, or working on a new business venture, I try to approach each project with a sense of humility and a willingness to learn.

Traveling has been a huge source of inspiration for me, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to experience different cultures and meet people from all walks of life. I'm constantly amazed by the beauty and diversity of the world around us, and I try to capture some of that wonder in my art and writing.

I'm not trying to change the world with my work, but I hope that it can bring a smile to someone's face or inspire them to pursue their own creative passions. I'm just trying to make a small positive impact, one brushstroke or word at a time

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'm on Couchsurfing because I'm a wanderer at heart, and I believe that the best way to experience a new place is through the eyes of a local. I've been lucky enough to travel to some amazing destinations, and I've realized that it's not just about seeing the sights, but about connecting with the people and culture.

Couchsurfing allows me to do just that - to stay with locals, learn about their way of life, and share my own stories and experiences with them. It's not just about a free place to stay (although that's a bonus too!), it's about building meaningful connections with people from all walks of life.

Plus, I love the idea of paying it forward - I've been hosted by some incredible people on my travels, and now I want to return the favor and host others in my own home. It's a community that's all about sharing, caring, and exploring, and I feel lucky to be a part of it!


Love music

  • running
  • reading
  • watching movies

Music, Movies, and Books

Music is the soundtrack to my life, and I'm constantly discovering new artists and genres to add to my playlist. From the smooth sounds of jazz to the energetic beats of hip hop, music has a way of transporting me to another world. Some of my all-time favorite artists include The Beatles, Bob Marley, and Kendrick Lamar - their music never fails to inspire and motivate me.

Movies are another passion of mine, and I love getting lost in the stories and characters on screen. Whether it's a thought-provoking documentary or a thrilling action flick, I'm always up for a good film. Some of my favorite movies include 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'The Dark Knight', and 'Inception' - they never fail to leave me feeling moved and inspired.

As for books, I'm a bit of a bookworm and love getting lost in the pages of a good novel. From classic authors like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens to modern writers like J.K. Rowling and John Green, I'm always looking for new stories and perspectives to explore. Some of my favorite books include 'To Kill a Mockingbird', 'The Alchemist', and 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' - they never fail to challenge my thinking and spark my imagination.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I'd say it was starting my own art business! It was a scary and exciting leap of faith, but it's been an incredible journey so far. From creating art that comes from my heart, to connecting with amazing people who appreciate my work, it's been a dream come true. Seeing my art bring joy to others and knowing that I'm making a living doing something I love is the best feeling in the world. It's been a lot of hard work, but it's worth it to be able to call myself a full-time artist and entrepreneur. I feel so grateful and proud of what I've accomplished!

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach, Learn, Share - that's my motto! I believe that knowledge is power, and sharing it with others is the key to unlocking our full potential. Whether it's teaching a friend a new skill, learning a new language, or sharing my art with the world, I'm always looking for ways to connect with others and spread the love.

Teaching others is a way for me to pay it forward and share the knowledge and skills that I've acquired over the years. Whether it's through workshops, mentorship, or simply sharing my experiences, I love helping others grow and learn.

Learning is a lifelong journey, and I'm always seeking out new experiences and knowledge to add to my toolbox. Whether it's reading books, taking classes, or exploring new places, I'm constantly curious and hungry for more.

Sharing my art, my thoughts, and my experiences with others is a way for me to connect and inspire. Whether it's through social media, exhibitions, or simply sharing my work with friends and family, I love seeing how my creations can bring joy and inspiration to others. So, let's teach, learn, and share our way to a brighter, more creative future!

What I Can Share with Hosts

As I explore the world, I'm reminded that the best experiences are the ones we share with others. That's why I love Couchsurfing - it's not just about a place to stay, but about connecting with like-minded people who share my passion for adventure and connection. Whether we're exploring hidden gems, sharing stories of our travels, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee together, I believe that these moments of connection are what make life truly rich.

Countries I’ve Visited

India, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, United States, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, United States, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam

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