Sebastian Seidl's Photo

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  • 3 references
  • Fluent in English, German; learning Spanish
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • Spa Manager (on unrestricted sabbatical leave)
  • Bachelor Degree in Tourism Management
  • From Bad Füssing, Bavaria, Germany
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am a blessed man.
Despite their own limitations, my parents are nothing but loving and caring people. I grew up in a small but well-known village in Bavaria, close to the Czech and Austrian border. A giant underground lake provides hot spring water that is famous for its broad medicinal health benefits. With 2 million overnight stays per year in a village with under 7000 inhabitants, you can probably imagine Bad Füssing is a vibrating strange place full of life lessons. Thus, I learned at a young age that life is too complex to just look at it from one angle, and I wanted more from life than just living it one-dimensional. So I opted to study Tourism Management, mostly because it meant many opportunities to travel. For me, it was about experiencing new situations rather than a step towards a specific career. The more I explored my own mind along the way, the more I was desperate to get a better understanding of the world. I entered a Geography program at Graduate School later on, but at the time deep existential questions had already conquered my mind. In retrospect, all the painful thoughts and feelings I explored during these times turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Life teaches with tough love, and I realized living in a meaningful and respectful way requires clarity and compassion. I started studying on my own, outside of the institutional borders of academia, while working full-time in a big thermal bath facility.
Now, however, I am suffering from Wanderlust, ready to expand my short experience on this wonderful planet to the fullest.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

During my adventures abroad I have seen breathtaking nature and incredible infrastructure, I have eaten delicious food and done some amazing activities. What above all stands out most, however, are the memories I have created with humans from all walks of life along the way.
Let us create some more!


  • dogs
  • books
  • documentaries
  • cooking
  • meditation
  • sports
  • geography
  • philosophy
  • psychology
  • spirituality
  • universe
  • learning new things
  • conversation
  • weed
  • people's stories
  • artificial intelligence
  • nature lover
  • meaning of life

Music, Movies, and Books

Mostly HipHop and German Rap. Training Day is my go-to-movie. Nature documentaries are also a no-brainer.

Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century are masterpieces.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

After completing roughly 90% of my study program, I dropped out of Graduate School last minute. It seemed crazy at the time, but it was necessary to shift my paradigm from negative to positive.

Teach, Learn, Share

Learning is essential for change and we will have to change at an ever-increasing pace in the future.

Clarity is the best mantra to live your life by!

To find meaning, you have to ask yourself what is real and what is fiction.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I´m being told that I am a fruitful conversational partner. I always like to test my opinions and conclusions by talking to other people, but i enjoy listening to others more. When in conversation, my ego is left at the door so I can be ready to learn from other peoples experiences and take new perspectives on life. It´s fair to say that you can talk with me about everything, regardless of our own individual background. Cooking, eating and talking together is quality time to me.
I prefer to mingle with people who give off relaxed vibes. The bare minimum of what you can offer in terms of accommodation is plenty of comfort to me, and in return I will help out wherever I can. I am generally up for anything you´d like to show me in or about your location. Should you be interested, it would be my pleasure to introduce you to meditation.
I have to warn you, regardless of the situation I will turn into an over-enthusiastic kid when I see a pug!

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, England, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Scotland, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, South Korea, Spain, United States

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