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  • 74 references 63 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning German, Russian, Spanish
  • 54, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • CEO
  • PhD in Genetics & Molecular Biology; MBA Internationa...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

*** English below ***

Cool, simple et discret. Je suis plus intellectuel que manuel. Généticien de formation, je gère maintenant une petite société multinationale dont je développe les valeurs humaines de justice et de bienveillance. J'aime voyager et rencontrer des gens, être au plus proche de la réalité de vie. Je ne bois pas d'alcool ni ne fume, je n'en reste pas moins un épicurien qui adore la vie et profiter de tous ses sens. Je suis sociable, on dit de moi que je suis un bon leader et que j'ai du charisme. Je vis à 100 à l'heure voyageant environ 5 jours sur 7. J'aime toutefois le calme et la sérénité, préférant un bon dîner en couple ou avec des amis à de folles soirées avec une foultitude de personnes (que j'apprécie tout de même, surtout si l'on peut danser!).

J'aime lire (mes auteurs préférés sont B. Vian, TC Boyle, H. Murakami, P.K. Dick , Boulgakhov...), j'aime la musique mais j'en écoute peu (par manque de temps approprié). Je suis plutôt Jazz (Dave Brubeck est mon préféré) ou classique (Tchaikovsky et en général les compositeurs Russes du groupe des 5).

J'aime danser et pratiquer le sport (surtout le hand-ball, le ski, la rando...) mais je n'aime pas le suivre à la TV.

J'aime le ciné, la peinture et la sculpture mais mes connaissances sont faibles, il faut juste que cela me transporte, me fasse rêver, rire ou pleurer.

J'aime la nature qui m'émerveille et l'un de mes rêves fut de créer un verger avec des fruitiers rares. Pour finir, j'aime bien manger non pas en quantité mais en qualité et j'adore goûter des choses nouvelles.

Honnête, respectueux des autres et du matériel, je suis quasiment toujours de bonne humeur et j'aime les gens, les expériences nouvelles et l'aventure.

Bref, je suis plutôt facile à vivre et j'ai les défauts de mes qualités !

Ma philosophie de vie est inspirée du Bouddhisme : rien n'est permanent et nous pouvons mourir à chaque instant aussi faut-il vivre pleinement chacun d’entre eux, ne pas nous attacher aux choses, réaliser la valeur de la vie, ne pas se perdre en querelles inutiles mais être au service des autres et les aider à trouver la voie du bonheur en ayant un comportement non violent, de la patience et de la tolérance, de la compassion et de l’amour altruiste et universel. Mon but est de faire le plus de bien possible aux autres et d’apporter un grand bienfait à autrui, de l’amour, de la paix et de la sérénité.

🕊Je lutte pacifiquement pour la liberté et la paix, j'essaie de promouvoir le respect, la tolérance et l'amour afin de contribuer - même modestement - à générer un peu de sérénité, d'harmonie et de bonheur dans ce monde🕊

Si vous avez lu mon profile avant d’effectuer votre demande, merci de mettre une 🕊️ dans votre message. Merci de lire aussi les règles de la maison pour savoir si cela vous convient !


Cool, simple and discreet. I am more intellectual than manual. Trained as a geneticist, I now manage a small multinational company whose human values ​​of justice and benevolence I am trying to develop. I like to travel and meet people, to be closer to the reality of life. I don't drink alcohol nor smoke, but I'm still an epicurean who loves life and enjoying all his senses. I am sociable, people say that I am a good leader and that I have charisma. I live at full speed, used to travel about 5 days out of 7. However, I like calm and serenity, preferring a good dinner as a couple or with friends over crazy parties with a multitude of people (whom I appreciate the same, especially if you can dance!).

I like to read (my favorite authors are B. Vian, TC Boyle, H. Murakami, P.K. Dick, Bulgakhov...), I like music but I don't listen to it much (for lack of appropriate time). I'm more jazz (Dave Brubeck is my favorite) or classical (Tchaikovsky and in general the Russian composers of the group of 5).

I like to dance and practice sport (especially handball, skiing, hiking...) but I don't like watching it on TV.

I like cinema, painting and sculpture but my knowledge is weak, it just has to transport me, make me dream, laugh or cry.

I love nature which amazes me and one of my dreams was to create an orchard with rare fruit trees. Finally, I like to eat not in quantity but in quality and diversity (I love to taste new things).

Honest, respectful of others and material, I am almost always in a good mood and I like people, new experiences and adventure.

In short, I am rather easy to live with and I have the faults of my qualities!

My philosophy of life is inspired by Buddhism: nothing is permanent and we can die at any moment so we must live each second fully, not get attached to things, realize the value of life, not waste time in useless quarrels but serve the others and help them find the way to happiness by having non-violent behavior, patience and tolerance, compassion and altruistic and universal love. My goal is to do as much good as possible for others and to bring great benefit to others, love, peace and serenity.

🕊Fighting for freedom and peace, I try to use my brain and my heart to promote respect, tolerance and love in order to hopefully contribute - even if very little - to generate some serenity, harmony and happiness in this world🕊

If you read my full profile, please put a 🕊in your request. Thanks 🙏

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

As a guest:
I was so far an extensive user of Airbnb (you can check the recommendations). I love people (this is why I love management) and I like to meet new ones, to discover the culture in their country, to learn from them. I believe that living with autochtones allows me to get a deeper insight of the culture. It also gives me the possibility to learn and dream from the experience / life history of others, and sometimes to help / support my host. In addition, I also prefer to sleep close to where I have to work in order to save transportation time and carbon impact. Finally, I used to go in hotels for more than 10 years, 4 to 5 days a week... I was fed-up with this sad life and to see colleagues or serious and arrogant businessmen on morning, on evening... !

As a host:
Pretty much the same reasons but also to give back and contribute to the CS community.


  • culture
  • dancing
  • reading
  • hiking
  • kayaking
  • skiing
  • sports
  • handball
  • nature
  • adventure
  • cultures
  • massage
  • good food
  • discussion
  • love
  • meeting new people
  • coaching
  • discovering
  • enjoying life
  • enjoying nature
  • nature walks
  • respect

Music, Movies, and Books

My favorite music are Jazz (Dave Brubeck is my favorite), classic (Tchaikovsky is my favorite), tango, soul, rock'n roll and more (e.g. Ludovic Einaudi).

I also like theater and movies (some of my favorite are the Schindler's list, La vie est belle, La source des femmes, Beignet de tomates vertes, Un jour sans fin, Kuzco, Le diner de cons, Seven, The dollars trilogy...; my favorite movie makers are Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Woody Allen, Gerard Oury, Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Quentin Tarantino, Sergio Leone).

My favorite authors are Boris Vian - Haruki Murakami - Philip K. Dick - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt – T. C. Boyle – Mikhaïl Boulgakov – Anton Tchekhov - Daniel Pennac – Maurice Druon – Ken Follet – John Riel

My favorite cartoonists are Jirō Taniguchi, Jacques Tardi, Marjane Satrapi, Didier Comès, Ryad Sattouf, Daniel Ceppi, Pierre Guilmard, Mix & Remix

My favorite initiatory books :

Le petit prince – Saint-Exupéry
Candide – Voltaire
La dernière leçon – Mitch Albom
La révolution d'un seul brin de paille - Masanobu Fukuoka
Le prophète – Khalil Gibran
L’alchimiste – Paulo Coelho
Le grand voyage de la vie - Tiziano Terzani.
Ikigai - le secret des japonais pour une vie longue et heureuse - Francesc Miralles & Hector Garcia
Patients - Grand Corps Malade
Les Quatre Accords toltèques (The Four Agreements) - Miguel Ruiz
Plaidoyer pour le bonheur - Matthieu Ricard
108 perles de sagesses du Dalai-Lama

My favorite novel books :

Ne tirez pas sur l’oiseau moqueur – Harper Lee
Au sud de la frontière, à l'ouest du soleil - Haruki Murakami
De sang-froid – Truman Capote
Pourquoi j’ai mangé mon père – Roy Lewis
On va où papa ? / Il a jamais tué personne, mon papa - Jean-Louis Fournier
N'aie pas peur si je t'enlace - Fulvio Ervas
La petite fille de Monsieur Linh – Philippe Claudel
Oscar et la dame rose - Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran - Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt
Les variations énigmatiques - Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt
Mille soleils splendides - Khaled Hosseini
Les mémoires de Zeus – Maurice Druon
Le rouge et le noir - Stendhal
Le parfum – Patrick Süskind
Le nom de la rose – Umberto Eco
Huis-clos – Jean-Paul Sartre
Une saison blanche et sèche – André Brink
Juste avant le bonheur – Agnès Ledig
L’attentat – Yasmina Khadra
La vague – Todd Strasser
L'Echiquier du mal - Dan Simmons
Water Music / D’amour et d’eau fraiche / America… - T. C. Boyle
The Reader - Bernhard Schlink
Les années douces - Hiromi Kawakami
Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi
Spaghetti brothers - Carlos Trillo & Domingo Mandrafina
Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
La lamentation du prépuce - Shalom Auslander
La joueuse de go - Shan Sa
La tentation d'exister - Emil Cioran
L'arche des Kerguelen - Jean-Paul Kauffmann
Evidences invisibles. Américains et Français au quotidien / Cultural Misunderstandings - Raymonde Carroll

My favorite professional books :

Piloter sa carrière - Xavier Leclercq
Les Cent Jours des dirigeants: L'état de grâce existe-t-il dans l'entreprise ? Laurent Acharian, Philippe Degonzague, Marc Gerretsen
Delivering Happiness - Tony Hsieh
Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
The Hamster revolution - Vicki Halsey, Tim Burress, Mike Song
Mieux prendre la parole en public - Jean-Paul Berrou
Les 10 secrets du négociateur efficace - Guy Cabana
The Power of a Positive No - William L. Ury
Managing Across Cultures - Susan Schneider & Jean-Louis Barsoux
Le choc de 2006 – Michel Godet
Spin Selling - Neil Rackham

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

What may seem amazing for me is just a usual thing for others... and vice versa!
Hereafter 10 things that I have done, which are not exceptional at all but which are part of my life. I am not proud of them but they just reflect some experiences that actually others are doing on a daily basis but which can seen as a bit funny!
1 - At 17, I was climbing 4 mountains over 4'000 m among which the Mount Ararat (5'165m) in Turkey (country that I have visited alone). Then when I came back, I was close to die due to an acute pancreatitis. I spent few month at the hospital under perfusion with a nasal catheter. As a result, I have passed and obtained my bachelor without following courses (or very few). Therefore my level in some areas was very bad :-( especially in Mathematics and Physics !
2 - I have resigned from a top executive position to restart as a sales rep. A great lesson of life, especially about relationships and respect of people vs function/title.
3 - As a researcher, I was working on cold acclimated ducklings... in a fridge. I have collected, aligned and micro-injected individually more than 100'000 eggs of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster).
4 - I have 4 wonderful children.
5 - Due to an heavy rain, I have slept a whole night in a 1 meter square telephone kiosk during a pilgrimage in Orcival.
6 - I took care and helped a strongly shocked girl that I discovered frozen in Helsinki. I don't know her name, I do not know what happened to her and why she was so shocked. I just hope that she is doing well now. I just put this here in case I could get some good news!
7 - When I worked in hospitals, I have performed electro-compulsive therapy on various patients in a psychiatric department :'( , I have performed a mortuary toilet :-( and I have been assigned by mistake in gynecology for a week!
8 - I am one of the rare European allowed to see the body of the chambo lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov at the Ivolginsky Datsan (near Ulan Ude).
9 - I have touched the proboscis of a frozen mammoth (it smells like an elephant actually!) and I lifted a mammoth tooth.
10 - I planted more than 150 fruit trees of different species and varieties in my orchard.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach and share my (superficial) knowledge about French language, genetics and molecular biology, sales, management, strategic planning. I can cook, listen...

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share: my good mood, my experience, a good meal, my empathie, my respect of everyone, a smile, and unfortunately sometimes - though rarely - ... snoring.

My philosophy:

Enjoy life (one can - will - die anytime, now, tomorrow...).
Respect, don't hurt and help others.
Convey love and happiness around me. Love is the only thing that can grow indefinitely and the more you give, the more you can share without removing it from someone else.
I actually know nearly nothing and I am always on a learning curve: this is why I like to hear about others experience. This also shows and remind me how little I am.

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

Austria, France, Switzerland

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