Le foto di Edoardo Mazzanti

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  • Ultimo accesso circa 7 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 17 referenze 6 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Italian; lingua che sta imparando French
  • 37, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2009
  • Lawyer / PhD student
  • Well-educated but bad-behaving. :-)
  • Di Florence, Italy
  • Profilo completo al 95%

Chi sono


Ever watched 'Big Fish' by Tim Burton? Well, I'd like to live like its main character did. By coincidence, he's named Edward...


Dwarfy, curly, intrusive, chatty, constantly (!) late, lovably (?) disorganized, easy-going, smile-bringing.
Living pointlessly happy makes one naive, being happily pointless lucky: guess what, I'm both!


# Quotes of mine summing up my personal philosophy:


Il problema non è essere il cretino di turno, il problema è che il turno non cambia mai.

If there exists a God, It's definitely Music. And, if It's music, It's definitely live. And, if It's live music, It's probably acoustic.

# Quotes by others my life can be considered inspired to:

'Don't take life too seriously, it's not permanent'. [Irish proverb]

'Fail again, fail better.' [S.Beckett]

'If you want to get a loan, you first have to prove you don't need it' [6th Murphy's law]

'I fought the law. And law won.' [The Crickets]

'She told me she had given up talking. Then, she started listing down the reasons why she had.' [J.K. Jérome]

'Quando ero piccolo m'innamoravo di tutto, correvo dietro ai cani.' [F. DeAndré]

'Chi vedesse le nostre lettere, onorando compare, e vedesse le diversità di quelle, si maraviglierebbe assai, perché gli parrebbe ora che noi fussimo uomini gravi, tutti volti a cose grandi, e che ne’ petti nostri non potesse cascare alcuno pensiere che non avesse in sé onestà e grandezza. Però dipoi, voltando carta, gli parrebbe quelli noi medesimi essere leggieri, incostanti, lascivi, vòlti a cose vane. Questo modo di procedere, se a qualcuno pare vituperoso, a me pare laudabile, perché noi imitiamo la natura, che è varia; e chi imita quella non può essere ripreso.' [N. Machiavelli]

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I'm a couch myself, and I got suspicious about all those different people sleeping on me for just a night.


Meetings, gigs, Sunday Mass, Friday mess, sleeping-out.

Aldo Riboni (Frankfurt am Mein, Germany).
Radyabarcelona (Girona, Spain).
Paolo Valotti (Brescia, Italy).

Aislin Colohan (Waterford, Ireland).
Philipp Shadendorf (Lübeck, Germany).


Marija Srnko and Anja Pusenjak (Slovenia).


Breathing deeply.
Discovering the Truth, which is deemed to be lying at the bottom of a bottle of wine.
So, drinking again.

  • fish
  • wine
  • walking
  • drinking
  • music
  • live music
  • fishing
  • scuba diving
  • law

Musica, film e libri

-READING. For instance and randomly:Dante, Leopardi, Benni, Schnitzler, Mann, Kafka, Durrenmatt, Shakespeare, Elliot, Palahniuk, Vonnegut, Foer...
-MUSIC. Really bad passion for Irish music (and, believe, I say 'bad', but you should interpret 'worse than that'...), be it either instrumental, traditional songwriters' folk, classic rock or punky. Anyway, I consider myself kinda open-minded: I love a lot of different types of music and I'm used to going to gigs twice a week. I'm generally fond of folk music, it tells a lot about the people who created it. Anyway, I do really believe music saves my days!
-MOVIES. For instance and randomly: Clockwork orange, Big Fish, Birds, Animal House, The Blues Brothers, Murder by death, American beauty, The usual sospects...

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Once I was really happy, I was walking without watching my feet, I eventually fell into the sea. And I was in Switzerland.

Insegna, impara, condividi

Touch one's ear with the tip of the tongue: pretty easy, if you use somebody else's tongue. :p (oh yes, I've just painted one).

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

Kidneys (I've just started trafficking human beings, but please don't get me wrong when I say I'd love you to come to my place and make yourselves at home...)

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 1 Garantisci

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