Jorge Ramos Sanchez的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English, Spanish; 正在学习 French
  • 29, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2016
  • Student
  • B.s. Chemistry
  • 来自San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
  • 个人主页已完成 70%


Hey There. I'm a mexican guy who wants to travel around the world, meet people from everywhere, have lots of fun and learn about everyhting. I'm a chemistry student who wants to understand everything. I considery myself a very open minded person who belives everyone has a really good story to tell.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I love to travel; I consider my self a traveler more than a tourist. I don't want to go and only take pictures in the most "famous" places in the world (well... maybe i'd do it, but because they are famous for a reason). I want "to live", even for a moment, in the place I am. I would like to learn and do as a local. I want to be embeded in the culture and customs. I strongly believe that by knowing more people, you get to know more about yourself.

Right now, I can't Host anybody :(, which is really sad, but as soon as I'm able I will open my house, my culture and my believes to everyone who wants to learn more about Mexico and its people.


  • travel
  • adventure
  • méxico
  • world food


I kind of like most music around the world. It depends on my mood and what I'm doing. I can listen a Ballet from Tchaikovsky to Mexican Regional music (Banda). I kind of dance a little (I'm learning,
supposedly since I'm a latinamerican, it should be in my blood, so I'm looking for the gift) . I'm a big metal fan... but I'm really bad at following bands, so i don't really know much about it, I just love it. "Go to RockInRio" is in my bucket list.
I love movies: action, drama, chick flicks, terror, etc, etc. My favorite movie of all time: LOTR The return of the King.
Books: Tolkien's Universe...


uuhhh I'm really excited about this one...

I can tell you a lot about our surroundings and how chemistry and science can explain it. I'm a history passionate too, so I have small little facts about most of the places around the world... But Mexico, I can tell you a lot of stuff about us.
I can cook a little, so I have a few mexican recipies, and I love to learn about cooking, so please teach me master.


When I can host somebody I will share things like:
-Hey, let's go to a party with my friends
-What do you mean you don't know where to go: Here, these are my personal itinerary, it depends on what you want to do: Eat, learn, get amazed, etc.
-Are you hangover: Let's try this mexican food that will save your soul.
-Did you forget *whatever*? Maybe I have an extra one.


Canada, United States



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