Théo Aillaud的照片


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  • 1 评语 1 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French
  • 24, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2023
  • Technicien dans le spectacle
  • Études technique de réalisation audiovisuelle
  • 来自Hyères, Var, France
  • 个人主页已完成 90%


Hi I'm Theo, I use couchsurfing for the first time, I let you discover me and my univer in this descriptions !

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I use Couchsurfing for the first time in this trip cause a lot of friends and cousins desbribe me their incredible and simple experience with couchsurfing. I want to meet some people and exanging about their life and why not taking some portraits of them... 😇


I like nature, swimming in the sea, travelling in boat and taking pictures. I appreciate cities for their cinemas, museums, little underground concert halls.

  • books
  • photography
  • massage therapy
  • meditation
  • walking
  • gardening
  • board games
  • drawing
  • live music
  • cinema
  • sea
  • games
  • play music
  • listening to music
  • taking pictures
  • volcanos
  • talking about life
  • cooking and eating
  • swimming in cold water


Radiohead, the blues of Eric Clapton, Ali farka Touré and his butiful instrument, Amy Winehouse, Lauryn Hill for their voice, Bob Marley for the vibe, the Beatles cause theire are the Beatles...

I like reading french book, Marcel Pagnol is my favorite writer, Virginie Despentes is my queen ("Vernon Subutex" 1, 2 and 3❤️‍🔥), Romain Gary's "La vie devant sois" or Jean-Paul Dubois' "Tous les hommes n'habitent pas la terre de la même façon"

I like a lot a films and if their is poetry or a human who sing in it, I fall instantanetly in love whit the movie.
Agnès Varda is my favorit film director.


I can exactly remember the felling of the first and unique time I've see a volcanic eruption in "Le piton de la fournaise" at La Reunion, a french island in indian ocean.


I can teach you photography, some Riri's (my grand ma) cook specialities.
I can sing and play french songs with a guitar and englinsh one's if you can sing behind my voice... :)


Australia, Croatia, France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain



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