When visiting Mexico City, start at Zocalo, the city’s main square and one of the largest in the world. Here, you’ll find the stunning Metropolitan Cathedral, the National Palace, and random displays of Aztec music and dance. Walk down the Paseo de la Reforma to see some of the city’s tallest buildings and the Angel of Independence statue, a national treasure and symbol of victory for the Mexican people.

Check out the Coyoacan neighborhood, filled with music venues, theaters, and cafés offering classic Mexican meals at better prices than you’ll find in the more touristy parts of town. Then head to Xochimilco, an agricultural borough featuring long canals. Take a trip down the canals on a brightly-colored trajinera to see the wildlife preserve and floating gardens while you soak up the sunshine and float lazily downstream.

Padroni di casa della zona

Turisti in arrivo


89 membri disponibili adesso

Foto di N
NANDIII desidera Wedding tomorrow at 3pm 26 minuti fa
Foto di R
Ricardo desidera go hiking this weekend circa 4 ore fa
Foto di J
Jose desidera grab a beer circa 2 ore fa


  • 9-AUG-2024en, venpr 9 alle 2:30 PM CDT
  • Le foto di NANDIII Le foto di Ben Benbask Le foto di Jorge M. Bardomiano

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  • 1-AUG-2024en, giopr 1 alle 3:00 PM CDT
  • Le foto di Blanka Gallardo Le foto di Gaby Muñoz Le foto di Carlos Vanega

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  • 26-JUL-2024en, venpr 26 alle 7:30 PM CDT
  • Le foto di Dj Mysterio Le foto di Miguel Sanchez Le foto di Sergio Moreno

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  • 2-AUG-2024en, venpr 2 alle 7:00 PM CDT
  • Le foto di NANDIII Le foto di Dj Mysterio Le foto di Kyllderes k m lima

    + 13 partecipanti


  • 31-JUL-2024en, merpr 31 alle 6:00 PM CDT
  • Le foto di Biagio Le foto di Kyllderes k m lima Le foto di Cristina Flore

    + 15 partecipanti


  • 31-JUL-2024en, merpr 31 alle 6:00 PM CDT
  • Le foto di NANDIII Le foto di Jose Reynoso Le foto di Fernando Alatorre

    + 5 partecipanti


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