There truly is no other place in the world quite like Singapore. In fact, it is the only island city-state in the world. With a growing economy and expanding transportation system, it would be easy to assume that Singapore is becoming too big for its island home, but many will tell you there’s still great importance placed on nature here. Visit the Gardens by the Bay for an interesting blend of technology and natural beauty, including the recognizable “supertrees,” or the incredible Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Take a tree-top stroll for a great photo opportunity on the nature trail in MacRitchie Reservoir Park, or hop on a boat to one of the 60 small uninhabited islands off the coast for a day in the sun. Explore a blend of cultures in Chinatown or Little India, where authentic shops and restaurants can be found, and where traditional festivals are observed in extravagant fashion. And be sure to sample some delicious Singaporean seafood like chili crab, Sambal stingray, or an oyster omelette.


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