Minneapolis is the largest city in Minnesota and one of the largest economic centers of the American Midwest. With glittering skyscrapers, quality art museums, and excellent restaurants, it’s a progressive city that still values its natural surroundings. Spend a perfect evening here by walking across the iconic Stone Arch Bridge for a fantastic view of the Mississippi River and the skyline of Minneapolis. Then head to legendary music club First Avenue for a concert, where countless famous artists have played including local superstar Prince.

Even if you’re not a big shopper, a visit to the Mall of America is a must-see in Minneapolis. This enormous complex houses a large indoor amusement park and over 500 stores, making it difficult to walk out of the facility empty-handed. To escape the retail world, make your way to Minnehaha Park to walk the trails and see the gorgeous Minnehaha Falls. This is a great activity even in the harsh Minnesota winter, because the falls are often frozen into a picture-perfect natural ice sculpture.

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