Tunis is a magical old city on the Mediterranean coast with an interesting blend of ancient Arab culture and 19th-century French colonialism. In the same city, visitors can see both elaborate Muslim mosques and grand Christian cathedrals, a testament to the history of this city and the people who have called it home. At the heart of Tunis is the medina, the walled old town full of vendor stands, teahouses, and cafes, where you can buy some souvenirs and get a taste of the local food. Visit the Bardo Museum, which features one of the world’s largest collections of Roman mosaics and other pieces from Ancient Greece, Carthage, and Tunisia. And to get a mind-boggling look at ancient history, make your way to the site of the ancient city of Carthage. Here, visitors get a look at the well-preserved ruins of a great city that was once the heart of a powerful ancient empire.

Visitantes Programados


35 membros disponíveis para encontrar agora

Foto de A
Amine quer coffe / walk / talk 34 minutos atrás
Foto de S
Sofian quer Hangout aproximadamente 3 horas atrás
Foto de K
Khalsi quer hangout aproximadamente 1 hora atrás


  • dom, abr 28 em 7:00 PM CET
  • Fotos de Jassim Alsaady Fotos de Ben Abdallah Abdel karim Fotos de Aziz Dargouth

    + 43 participando


  • dom, mai 5 em 3:00 PM CET
  • Fotos de Ben Abdallah Abdel karim Fotos de Seyf M'Rabet Fotos de Wissam Wakim

    + 8 participando


  • sex, jun 28 em 6:00 PM CET
  • Fotos de Fehmy Aouni Fotos de Wissam Wakim Fotos de Souha TENJEL

    + 7 participando


  • dom, jul 14 em 7:00 PM CET
  • Fotos de Wissam Wakim Fotos de Suchz Ben Hassine


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